Chapter 29 - 3 Years...

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     I awoke to sirens and someone nudging me. The warmth from Hannibal was gone and I was now faced with Will standing over me.

"Where's Hannibal?" I asked, groggily.

"He left."

   I immediately shot up and ran outside, but was soon met with police cars and Jack staring at me with displeasure. Will came out behind me with an emotionless expression. What happened while I was asleep?

"He's gone." Will told Jack.

"I'm here." Hannibal came out from behind the house with his hands up.

   I stared at him in shock. He was surrendering?! Hannibal got on his knees and put his hands on top of his head. The authorities hauled him off the ground and took him into a car.

I stood there in shock. Flabbergasted. Why was Hannibal letting himself get caught? He had to have a plan... right? Jack turned his attention to me.

"Get them as well," Jack said with a stern expression, "they helped him."

I couldn't run, Hannibal was being taken and guns were trained on me.

"They had no part in this, Jack." Will protested.

"Oh really, Will?" Jack got up in his face in aggression, "last I remember they attacked me willingly!"

"You have no evidence." Will stayed calm and emotionless. Every thing he said was monotonous.

"Do you see all of the cuts on my face?"

"Hannibal would do that," Will was still defending me.

"Fine!" Jack walked away after saying, "take them to a psychiatrist! They're not right in the head."

    Will shook his head. One by one the authorities left and I just stood there, still in shock and confused. Once I knew that it was just me and Will alone I spoke up.

"Why would he do that?"

   Will just looked at me and signed before walking into the house, I followed him inside. Wait... where was his dogs? I didn't bother asking. Will made himself coffee and I sat on the couch.

"What happens now?" I looked at Will.

"Now? Now we'll just see what happens," He responded, "isn't that what Hannibal always does?"


   Three years had past by since Hannibal was arrested and I was left to live with Will. A lot had happened since then; Will got married to a lady who had a kid, I started going to Dr. Chilton once a week for sessions, and Will along with me and the other two moved into a different house.

    I was given the choice of either Alana as my psychiatrist or Chilton. Alana was part of the reason my back got stamped with burning medal and the reason Hannibal was arrested. She did help me escape but escape from what exactly? Hannibal would have gotten himself out of the situation and helped the rest of us. Alana only came for him and Will and I were just people on the side.

   Jack kept a watchful eye on me whenever he saw me. No one really realized how aggressive he could get, remembering when he attacked Hannibal and didn't hesitate to attack me.

   Perhaps I was a little traumatized from everything that happened. Chilton wasn't a pain in the ass to me like he was with others. I was sure he wanted to get more information on Hannibal but he rarely spoke of him, he didn't push for answers luckily. His thing being that I saved him from getting murdered and so he owed it to me.

   Today I was visiting Hannibal, I would visit him every Monday because that's when it would be the least busy. I really looked forward to visiting him, it was the highlight of my week. I was brought through the halls with Jack as my escort. Woohoo.

We both arrived at Hannibal's glass cage, I liked to call it that. Hannibal was standing a foot away from the front of his 'room', waiting for me.

  As soon as he saw me he softly smiled. I smiled back. I was only allowed to stay with him for an hour, I argued for more time but to my dismay I was denied.

"(Y/n), always a pleasure." Hannibal bowed his head to me then looked to Jack with a menacing grin, "Jack."

   I was reluctantly let into Hannibal's glass cage. The security guards were quite fearful of Hannibal and would think he'd just kill me. I proved them wrong the first time.

"I've missed you." We both embraced.

"It's only been a week, my dear." He chuckled.

"Why can't I just live with you?" I looked into his eyes.

"Because you shall not be caged as well."

A moment of silver passed between us before I remembered something.

"I'm told that I can get rid of the burn."

    Hannibal moved his hands under my shirt to my back, tracing the burn.


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