Chapter 15 - The Gift

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(A/N this chapter gets really gory with human insides)


  I awoke to a painful headache. I sat up and froze.

Oh... my... gosh.

     A scream could be heard from beside me, pulling back the curtain I saw Grace with a horrified expression. Blood... there was blood everywhere and intestines hanging on strings hooked to the ceiling.

  Grace passed out but I didn't. I looked up and saw a box hanging above me. The box wasn't tied but it was hanging on a hook. I cautiously unhooked it and saw a note on the box:

Dear (y/n),
I hope this gift does not alarm you. I watched your suffering, and it was like bullets to my heart. I've put an end to your suffering, and you can now live without fear.

   The note wasn't signed so I didn't know who it could've been from. I set the note aside and opened the box with hesitation. I tilted my head in confusion. There was a heart in the box... a real one. But the heart look liked it had been stabbed... I believe that was my doing. But I didn't do all of this.

 I closed the box and put it to the side. I looked at the note again, analyzing the handwriting. It was quite lovely handwriting; it was almost perfect. The handwriting looked familiar, surely, I had seen this kind of writing before. In someone's notebook to be exact.

   I saw Bill's head in a corner of the room, it still had the scars and wounds from Koda. I smirked. Grace was still passed out and Koda was close to the bed on the floor, luckily, he didn't touch anything and had no blood on him. 

Had no blood on him... who cleaned him?

I needed to get someone's attention; I didn't want to scream. I was done with doing that.

"Koda, bark."

  Koda started barking and soon caught the attention of a nurse walking by, she saw all of the blood and opened the door, surprisingly. She started shaking and looked at me.

"Are you girls alright?!" She asked as she called another nurse to go call the police.

"She passed out. I'm... fine."

    Was I actually fine? I should feel sick to my stomach seeing all of this. Jack was the first one to come along with the police. I had to sit on the bed until they could get enough evidence of the scene, not wanting me to contaminate the scene. I watched them take out tweezers, powder, and other things. I let Koda sit on my bed because I didn't want him stepping on the blood or licking it. Soon, I was able to leave the room along with Grace. I still had Will's jacket and so I put it on. It was winter now and the hospital was getting colder, their lack of heat in the building making some of the nurses catch colds.

As I walked through the halls with Koda and Grace, I passed Chilton's room. I went inside while Koda and Grace waited outside the room.

"As you quite possibly already know," I started, "they're all dead. But thank you for your willingness to help."

"I'm surprised you left your room after that," Chilton smirked, "one would think that after something as traumatizing as that, they'd cower. The man could very well still be in this hospital and here you are prancing about as if nothing's happened."

"So, no one told you?" I chuckled, shaking my head at this man's obvious state, "And I thought you knew everything."

   Chilton didn't say anything but gave me a curious look, waiting for me to continue.

"He's dead..." I bluntly told him, "His body parts were all over my room."

"Well, it seems like killers take a liking to you, (y/n)," He smiled as I left the room, it felt like he had a deeper meaning in his statement. Either that or he was messing with me again.

"Who was that?" Grace began to walk down the hall with me.

"He was going to be the victim's physiatrist..."


    There was no conversation held between two of us after that. I was leaving the hospital, finally. I'd get to see Hannibal and Will. I smiled at the thought, some bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Though the regret of not getting to kill Bill myself consumed me.


Grace ended up staying with Alana Bloom, but I was still going to stay with Hannibal. Will was quite busy with another case and so he wouldn't be at the house for a while. I walked down the stairs in Hannibal's house. The letter from my secret admirer tucked away in my pocket. I walked into the kitchen and saw notes and recipe cards in a corner of the room. I picked up one of the notes and saw that it was handwritten. I dropped the note, my breathing quickening as I took out the letter from my pocket.

The handwriting was identical. Of course, it was.

I put down the letter next to the notes and stared at them. Did Hannibal really do this? Did he slaughter Bill? Did he care about me so much that he'd murder someone for me? Yandere much- I was a little frightened. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear someone walking into the kitchen. Arms slithered around my waist, and I let out a yelp and gasped in surprise.

"It's just me, (y/n)," Hannibal cooed.

(Guys, I'm sorry there's no slow burn:')

   He rested his chin on my head. I was pretty sure that he could see that I was comparing the letter and notes, he was quite tall. I was still nervously breathing.

"Is something wrong?" Hannibal knew something was wrong. He examined the papers in front of me and knew I suspected him.

"No..." I was getting more nervous and scared by the second.

If he did do that, would he do the same to me?

"You don't need to be scared," Hannibal whispered near my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

Hannibal hugged me tighter and I gasped quietly.

"Did... did you do all of those things?"

"What I did to Bill I have no regrets," Hannibal said, "but I'm not the one who killed all of his victims if that's what you're wondering. Bill did that."

I let out a sign in relief.

"I should've killed him."

"You did kill him, (Y/N)."

"What?" I turned to look at him.

"You killed him," he repeated, "did you notice that punctured part in the heart? That was from you stabbing him in the chest with the scissors."

"Really?" A smile began forming on my face, being the person to end the very thing that hurt me made me want to cry in joy.

"I wouldn't lie to you about that."

I hugged him tightly, he returned it.

"It's getting quite late," Hannibal looked at the clock in the kitchen which read 12:34 AM, "time to head to bed."

Before I could leave Hannibal's grasp, he picked me up bridal style and brought me to his room. Hannibal left me on the bed and left to change into his cotton, long sleeve pajamas. I was almost asleep on the bed when soon I could hear Hannibal get in the bed with me. He snaked his arms around me and pulled me against him. I could hear his heartbeat in the quietness of the room.

"I will protect you."


Hello my froggies!! 🐸
There will be any even longer chapter coming up soon because it's the last chapter!
If you guys want more Hannibal/Will books plz comment!

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