Chapter 39 - You are my Doll

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When the door opened and the girl walked in I knew that she was just about ready to crumble.

She was so pale from lack of sun that she almost looked white. Makeup was caked onto her face. Her eyes held no emotion. It was depressing to look at.

I watched her as she made her way to the bunk bed and lie down. After slyly putting the knife in my corset I wore, I slowly walked over to the girl. She didn't even glance at me, just kept staring up with an empty gaze.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked her.


"Your... other name."

  She paused. Finally looking at me.


Every word that came out of her mouth was very monotonous. But she could still talk, so that must mean she isn't fully drugged yet!

"We have to eat the food." She looked down, "if we don't... we will be broken."

Broken like a glass, porcelain doll. I nodded but ignored what she first said. Like hell I would eat that food! Even if it looked harmless. I grabbed the tray and walked into the small bathroom, then dumped the food down the toilet, watching as the, possibly, drugged food mushed together and slowly disappeared.

Upon leaving the room I noticed that there were no windows. No wonder she was pale. The only way to escape would be through the front door. Then it hit me, I had my phone! Should I call Will? Or Hannibal? Sometimes Will was on a case and wouldn't answer his phone. Maybe it would be best if I called Hannibal.

I told Lily that I was going to take a shower and entered the bathroom, making sure to lock it. After I turned on the shower to drown out any noises from the phone, I pulled out my phone and immediately called Hannibal.


   Hearing his voice brought me a wave of relief.

"Hannibal, it's (y/n)!" You exclaimed quietly, "I've been kidnapped."

"I hope this doesn't form into a habit." I heard him chuckle.


"You being kidnapped," I rolled my eyes as he continued, "quite the damsel in distress if I may say."

"Har har, very funny mister."

"I presume you'll want a knight in shining armour," I could practically feel him smirking as he spoke.

"Just letting you know that I'm okay... for now."

"I'll be there soon."

   Before I could ask him what the hell he meant he hung up. Rude. I called Will and he picked up. I only had a matter of minutes before I would need to end my fake shower so that I could keep the phone a secret and hide it.

"(Y/n)?! Where the hell are you?!" Will's voice boomed.

"Nice to hear you too, Will," I whispered, "Y'know that Dolly man you guys were tracking down?"


"Weeell.. he got me." I nervously chuckled, "if you could get your FBI guys to track my phone perhaps you'll find me. Other then that I'm trapped here."

"Don't tell Jack that you deliberately tried to find Dolly."


   I was interrupted by hearing the door to the bedroom open. I hid my phone inside the back of the toilet. No one would look there. At least... I hoped not.

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