Chapter 12 - Grace

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   I was walking down the halls of the hospital now. I asked one of the doctors if they knew where the victims were, the person was hesitant to tell me until I explained that I was also one of the victims. They did a quick look of my file to make sure before he gave me directions.

   Upon turning a corner, I ran into someone. I looked up and saw that it was Hannibal. He gave me a curious look, a smile tugging at his lips. He was probably amused with how I looked right now; messy hair, shoeless, Will's sweater and sweatpants I had to adjust to work for me.

"What in the world are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm going to find the victims."

"I didn't want to tell you this now, but..." He hugged me tightly, "Bill is also in the hospital."

My eyes widened and I hugged Hannibal tighter. Why the hell would that maniac be put in the same hospital?! They should've let him die. No court or jail sentence needed. But I guess I needed him alive so that Chilton could take him. A long torture would be better than a quick death.

"He almost died," Hannibal sounded extremely disappointed, as was I.

"I wish he was dead," I seethed, "Why couldn't he just die?! Is that so much to ask."

"I will see you later," Hannibal said, "I have some business to take care of."

  I nodded. He kissed my forehead before departing. Hannibal smiled and then walked down the hall to wherever he was going. I grinned like a Cheshire Cat as I walked down the hall over to the door of a hospital room.

   I knocked, someone told me that I could come in and so I did. I saw a girl around my age sitting on her hospital bed with her dirty blonde hair put together in braids. She was staring out the window with a blank expression. There was a chair across from her, I sat in the chair and looked at her. Besides the bruises and cuts, she was really pretty.

"You're the first person to visit me besides the nurses," She broke her gaze from the window and now directed it to me, "I'm happy to see someone in odd clothes and not the constant blue. I hate blue. Bill made me wear blue. Did he take you too?"

My eyes were now filled with pity, "he moved me across the states so he wouldn't get caught."

"You're (y/n)?" She asked but then continued talking, "he talked about how you betrayed him and escaped. After you escaped, he started kidnapping a lot of people and wouldn't stop."

"That was a highlight," I softly smiled, "I could only imagine his face when he found out he lost me. But I didn't intend for that to cause him to go on a kidnapping slash killing spree, that would be my fault."

"It's not your fault, he is in charge of his horrendous actions. That was smart of you," She let out a weak smile, "I'm glad you're here to talk with me. I'm Grace."

"Nice to meet you, Grace" I smiled, "I'm glad to have someone understand what I've been through... at least to a certain extent."

"Likewise. I overheard that they want to ask all of us questions about him."

"No need to worry about that," Grace looked at me, confused, "I reasoned with the man in charge. Or at least I told him my concerns and He'll take it into consideration."

"You did?" She looked bewildered.

"Yes, I told him about the whole issue on why he shouldn't jump to questions with us, and instead give them time and help to recover. I don't know why that's difficult for them to understand."

She suddenly hugged me, and I hugged back. It was nice having someone understand what you've been through. Grace and I immediately clicked.

"Now I must go back to my room, or I might get in trouble," I smiled, and we both said our goodbyes.

I wrote down my room number and gave it to her. I was about to leave when Grace collapsed on her bed. I rushed to her side.

"Grace? Grace?!" She wasn't responding and so I ran out of the room and called for help.

Nurses and doctors came in to help her and I was guided out of the room. I sat outside of the room on the floor, waiting and waiting. Was this Bill's doing? Where was he in the hospital? What if he was close? I was about to have a panic attack when out of nowhere a dog comes up to me, trying to lick my face. I saw a familiar curly haired man walking over to me. I chuckled and sat up; the dog rested on my lap as I repositioned back against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked, "Isn't your room down there?"

"I made a friend today," I looked down, "she passed out, the doctors are in there with her, I'm waiting until they're done."

"Then I guess I'll wait with you," Will sat down next to me.

Will gave me his jacket so that I wouldn't be cold. It seemed like hours since Grace passed out. I was beginning to get worried. Why the hell would she pass out all of a sudden? The doctors left the room and I anxiously waited until they were all out. Once they were gone, I came in the room and saw Grace sitting up on her bed, she was quite pale and looked sickly... well, sicker than before.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, "obviously you're not but I should ask nonetheless."

"I'm... okay," she answered, "the doctors said I was heavily drugged, they have to come back soon for an operation."

I was about to speak when Hannibal and Will entered the room. Will was in shock and anger.

"Bill... he... he escaped."


Oh no! He escaped!

 (2023 - this is cliche as shit, he escapes? How many times is he gonna do that?? I wrote this during covid cuz I was bored as hell)

Anyways... thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment on this book! 🐸 ❤️

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