Chapter 11 - A Favor

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     I heard footsteps pounding on the cement floor towards me. The blanket was pulled off to my luck but I now was looking at Bill. He bandaged around his head to stop his eye from bleeding anymore, it took a lot of strength in me not to smile at his unfortunate state. He looked a little scared for the first time in my life. I heard police sirens and immediately grinned. The other victims were screaming until they heard the sirens, they were in shock, not believing what they were hearing.

   Bill dragged me out of the cage, I took my knife out and stabbed his arm before he yanked the knife out of my grasp. He stabbed it into my leg, but I didn't pull it out, I had scene and read enough stuff to know if you pull it out, you'll bleed out more and destroy any chances of survival.

"I'm going to leave you here to die!" Bill yelled in my ear.

    I couldn't die, not without a fight. I heard familiar voices and smiled weakly. Bill raised his fist to throw a punch until he got thrown off of me by Hannibal. I was starting to lose too much blood. Hannibal was able to pin the guy easily to the ground. I heard more voices and saw Will hover over me. People in white suits surrounded me. All I could hear before I blacked out was crying and screaming, absolute pandemonium.


   Beep... beep... beep... beep...

I awoke to an annoying sound coming from the side of me. I sat up but immediately felt lightheaded and dizzy. I let myself fall back onto the bed I was on. I was in a hospital bed. I felt stitches on my legs and saw them on my arms as well. The stinging pain of the wounds slowly returning.

"How are you feeling?" Hannibal walked into the hospital room and sat in a chair beside the bed.

"My head hurts like hell, my limbs are in pain, and I look like Frankenstein with all of these stitches," I groaned then gave him a thumbs up., "But other than that I'm... ok."

I had lots of questions. But I knew Hannibal couldn't answer them all.

"What happened to Dr. Chilton?" I asked.

"He's in the hospital as well."

"Where are the other victims?" I was worried about them; I didn't know what Bill might've done to them.

"Most of them are in the hospital, but some of them weren't injured badly enough to be hospitalized," Hannibal responded.

Before I could ask anything else, Jack Crawford walked in.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Mentally... I'm kind of okay," I lifted my arms to show off the battle scars, "Physically? Not entirely."

"We are going to set up a time so that we can ask you questions about your kidnapping," Jack said.

My face immediately went sour. I was okay with having an interrogation, but the rest of the victims needed to recover! They needed time to progress and get help.

"You may interrogate me, but the rest of the victims need time to recover," I protested.

"I agree with (y/n)," Hannibal held my hand to reassure me.

"Okay..." Jack said, unsure.

Jack nodded and walked out of the room. Will burst into the room, ran up to me and hugged tightly.

"Will! Not so tight!" I gasped in pain.

"Right... sorry," He chuckled.

Hannibal and Will left so that I could rest. But my mind was racing. I needed to convince Dr. Chilton to make therapy sessions with most of the victims, maybe I could pull a favor card on him.

  I was wearing a hospital gown but luckily when Will came in, he gave me another one of his sweaters along with sweatpants that didn't fit him. I decided to leave my hospital room nonetheless and go into the halls. I memorized my room number and walked over to a front desk with a woman behind it.

"Hi, how may I help you?" She asked.

"I'm looking for Dr. Chilton's room," I said.

   Her smile dropped.

"That man is a handful."

I agreed with her before she gave me directions to his room. I followed her directions; the floor was quite cold on my bare feet. I found his room and knocked before entering. Chilton was laying on a small bed in the room. He turned his TV off and set the remote his side.

"What brings you to my deathbed?" He smirked.

"One; You're not dead," I rolled my eyes, "two; I need you to do something for me... not just for me actually."

"I already know what you want," He sighed, "I'm assuming it has something to do with Bill's victims. You need another psychiatrist, Dr. Lecter isn't enough."

"I know what kind of person you are," I told him, "Next thing you want to know is what's in it for you."

"You know me too well," He chuckled, "Well enough to be considered more than business partners."

"What? no," I scoffed, "I'm assuming that Bill will be put in your faculty. I bet you'd have fun messing with him."

"I'll consider it."

I nodded and left him so I could go find the victims.

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