Chapter 38 - Hello Dolly

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I lingered around the dolls, picking one up once in awhile to examine it. I was hoping that Dolly would show up. The only problem was that I didn't know what he looked like. All I knew was what little information Will told me, he was a man in his late 50s.

"Excuse me, miss? Do you need help finding something?" A male voice said from behind.

I whipped my head around and found myself face to face with an old man. My heart skipped a beat. Call it paranoia or suspiciousness but this man scared me.

"I'm just browsing." I lied.

"Is there a particular doll you're looking for?"

I analyzed the man as best I could; he had grey slicked back hair and wore casual clothes with a name tag that read Sam. The same man who was taking pictures of me in the grocery store. He must think I don't recognize him.

"I like the... vintage ones." I answered.

"I know some even better ones!" He smiled, "I have porcelain ones over here."

   He walked over to the left where the door was. Was this person Dolly? If so, was I ready to get taken to solve this case?

   I walked over to where the man was with hesitation. I didn't come unprepared, I was surprisingly prepared this time. Will put a tracker on my phone. I had sent him the address and let him know I was here. I thought it was stupid at first but now it seemed genius.

    He took a porcelain doll from the shelf and handed it to me. The doll had the same hair color as mine and wore a pretty (f/c) Victorian outfit.

"The resemblance is uncanny," I commented.

It was a beautiful doll. I heard the man shift behind me, but before I could turn around, an arm weakly wrapped around me and a cloth was put to my face.

I knew exactly what was on the cloth and held my breath. I swung my head back, striking the man's face, he grunted in pain and let go. I turned around and gave him a strong punch to the jaw, swinging my whole body so that I would have more power. The man fell against a shelf behind him that had a multitude of glass dishes.

The dishes fell and shattered on the floor, a few hitting the man in the head. I tried to run past him but he grabbed a glass shard and rammed it into the back of my calf. I let out a scream of agony and fell to the floor in pain.

I was about to stand up but a glass plate was smashed onto my head and my vision blurred along with being dizzy. I was dragged out the back door by the man and eventually passed out.

   Waking up, the first thing I noticed was that my clothes were different. I was wearing an outfit that was just like the one that was on that porcelain doll. I scanned the room and saw that it looked like a young girl's room. While Standing up, I heard a someone enter the room.

 While Standing up, I heard a someone enter the room

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It was that man from before. His name tag from before still said Sam... but was that his real name? He wore a sickening grin on his face. In his hand was a tray of food. Quite possibly drugged. All of his victims that were found were heavily drugged.

"I see that you're awake, Victoria."

   Victoria? Who the fuck is Victoria?

Gorgeous name though. So he names his victims too? Sam set the tray on a white vanity beside him and approached me. I pretended to be absolutely scared, my eyes darted all over the room. I was looking for a weapon of any sort, then I saw a small knife on the tray beside the other eating utensils. That could be useful for later.

"This is your new home, my dear."

"M-my parents will c-come for m-me!" I put on an act. I almost wanted to laugh at how ridiculous and fake you sounded, but also cringe at how I sounded. A stuttering mess.

"If they do... they'll be dead. And if you leave I'll kill you." He threatened.

   Yeah right, Like he'd kill me. And I didn't even have parents anymore! I nodded frantically, putting on a whole young, naive, innocent facade so that this man would underestimate me. It seemed to be working. Though I did kick his ass at the store.

"Your sister will be coming up in a few minutes and I want you to both play nice." He brushed his wrinkly fingers down my face to neck. It took a lot in me to not bite him. Then left with a sly grin.

Sister? Perhaps I could save one of his victims before it was too late. But when the door opened and the girl walked in I knew that she was just about ready to crumble.

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