Chapter 36 - Panic Attack

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"Now look what you did!" Will said angrily, "she's having a panic attack because of you."

    Jack looked slightly concerned which was a surprise to you.  Your breathing was quick and shaky, your body shaking as well.

"Get Koda!" Will ordered Jack.


"The black dog!"

   Jack left to go find the dog and Will attempted to comfort you. He came back with the dog and you were now on the floor, trying to calm your breathing and stop the bad memories that came flowing into your head. Koda bark happily but could sense your distress and quickly came to you, lying his head on your lap.

   You pet Koda and eventually calmed down. I guess Koda's your emotional support animal now, heh.

  Even though you calmed down, Koda stayed with you. Jack came close to you but not too close because Koda was giving him a low growl to stay back.

"I apologize for yelling. I should've considered the fact that you've been through some stuff."

  You only nodded in response. You left the building after being dismissed by Jack and stayed at Will's house.

Without Molly and Becker the house was strangely quiet. Will left so that he could figure out the case and you wandered the house, trying to find something to do.


Sorry for the really short chapter BUT I have a question 👇

Do you want me to continue to try and follow the season 3 plot or just write my own plot??

Thx for reading!! 💕

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