Chapter 18 - Another Death

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    Once I heard someone's breath my heart began to pound. Was it Hannibal? I walked a little towards the exit and saw a woman with black hair and a gun coming down. Didn't she work for the FBI? I sat in the corner of the room and watched her as she scanned the area in fear. What was she doing down here? Where was Hannibal?

    I saw someone else come down the stairs quietly, a tall figure, it was Hannibal. A wave of relief filled me until I saw him with a large knife in his hand. Was he... was he going to kill her? Hannibal just stood at the exit of the basement and watched the woman with a sadistic grin. The woman turned around and paled as soon as she saw him.

    My heart was beating wildly, and I was very confused. The woman had the gun at eye level, ready to shoot Hannibal if necessary. In a heartbeat, Hannibal turned off the lights and I began to hyperventilate. I heard running and screaming. A gunshot rung near, and my ears began to ring loudly. The woman's screaming and struggling stopped. I was still having a panic attack of some sort.

"(Y/n)?" I heard Hannibal's voice, he sounded shocked, not planning on me being down here.

    The lights came back on and I saw Hannibal walk over to me. I was a mess, shaking, crying, and hyperventilating. Hannibal picked me up and carried me out of the basement. I was clinging onto him. It felt like a horror movie, and I thought I was for sure going to die. Hannibal brought me to his room and set me on the bed. I could still hear ringing in my ear from the gunshot.

"What hurts?" Hannibal asked after a moment of silence.

"My ears."

"I wished you didn't have to see that," Hannibal pulled me into a hug and I hugged back.

"What are you not telling me?" I asked, "I just want the truth..."

"And you will get the truth. But first I want to tell you that no matter what you hear from me I love you, and I won't stop loving you," Hannibal hugged me tighter, "I'm the Chesapeake Ripper."

    That would explain why it was so easy for him to get away with Bill's murder! It made more sense now, but why did he kill that woman?

"Who was the woman downstairs?" I asked.

"She was working for the FBI, she figured out, with Will's help, that I'm the Chesapeake Ripper."

I nodded. This was strange and sudden.

"Are you alright?" Hannibal asked, "you haven't said a word yet."

"I... I'm not bothered by this... piece of information. You are quite an interesting person."

"Yes, I am, aren't I?"

There was a loud knock-on wood downstairs. I looked at Hannibal with concern. He left to go answer the door and I followed at a distance. Hiding behind a wall and peeking out, I watched as Hannibal opened the door.

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