Chapter 22 - A gala

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Hannibal came back with the cleaning supplies and patched me up. He deeply signed as he engulfed me into a hug. I WAS still healing from all of the cuts and bruises and so it slightly hurt.

"Ow," I chuckled in pain.

"I'm going to need you to stay indoors until I get this figured out," He whispered into my ear.

"Ok," I whispered back.

Hannibal pushed me down onto the bed, he was on top of me now as he pinned my arms down. He kissed my neck and moved his hands over my body. I emitted a soft moan and he chuckled. He pulled me onto him after he snaked his arms around my waist.

Hannibal was now lying down on the bed with me on top of him. I laid on him, feeling his heartbeat when my head rested against his chest.

"It's weird that around strangers I have to pretend you're my father."

"Yes, indeed," Hannibal rubbed my back in a circular motion.

I stayed like that for a while until Hannibal's phone started ringing. I rolled off of him and then he picked up his phone, putting it to his ear. After a moment he set the phone down and returned to the bed with me.

"Who was that?" I asked as I snuggled up to him.

"I've just been given a death threat," Hannibal smirked, staying calm as usual.

"And that amuses you?"

"Very much, my dear."

I didn't ask anymore questions and just fell asleep in Hannibal's arms.


    As I awoke I noticed that Hannibal was gone. I got out of the bed and Hannibal came into the room.

"We've been invited to a gala being held tonight," He kissed me then made his way towards a closet, "I got you a dress for the occasion."

(If you don't like the outfit you can change it obviously, if you hate it you don't have to comment that)

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(If you don't like the outfit you can change it obviously, if you hate it you don't have to comment that)

Hannibal laid out a black, lace dress onto the bed and my eyes widen in surprise.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed.

"And so is the person who will wear it," Hannibal smirked.

    Several hours went by and it was soon time to go to the gala. We still supposed to pretend to be a family, and I did, surprisingly well.

Once we entered the gala, many people were greeting Hannibal. I leaned over to him.

"You're quite the social butterfly," I commented.

It was obvious that he only saw these people as ways to get what he wanted, nothing more then a bunch of sheep, and he was the wolf.

A man with slick black hair and a black suit walked up to us both. My mother was off socializing with a crowd of people far away.

"da molto tempo non ci vediamo Annibale! È bello vederti." The man spoke in Italian, he then turned to me with a grin, "E chi è questa creatura squisita?"

"Lei è mia figlia," Hannibal told the man. "Non parla italiano."

"Well, in that case I will just speak English with you," The man took my hand and kissed it, "It's nice to meet you, il mio amore."

I flashed him a fake smile, Hannibal was disgusted by this man touching me, even if it was a common greeting.

"My name is Paolo."


    Paolo excused himself, saying he needed to catch up with a few more people before the dance begun.

"He hosted this gala," Hannibal informed me.

"Food?" I asked while gesturing to a random table of snacks and appetizers.

"Of course, my dear," Hannibal smirked.

    We both walked over to the food. After a few minutes music started to play (cue the music from above) and Hannibal guided me to where everybody was ballroom dancing.

"I can dance but I am pretty much clueless on ballroom dancing," I confessed to Hannibal.

"No worries, just let me lead and you'll be fine."

Hannibal placed his hand firmly on my back, I put my hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand which was extended. I could tell that he was experienced, he danced with much grace. I surprisingly didn't step on his feet or stumble.

We were having a great time until someone tapped Hannibal's shoulder, it was Paolo. He was really getting on both of our nerves. I knew Hannibal would kill him right now if there wasn't an audience.

"May I?" He asked Hannibal.

Hannibal faked a smile to him and reluctantly let go of me. Hannibal walked over to talk to people, but stayed within eye sight to watch me and make sure Paolo didn't try anything he shouldn't.

Paolo pulled me in close and snaked his arm around. I tried not too make much eye contact with him as we danced.

"You're father is quite protective of you, is he not?" Paolo chuckled.

"Yes, he is," I smiled at the thought of Hannibal, wishing I was dancing in his arms and not this man's, "He loves me very much."

"Tell me, are you in a relationship?" Paolo got really close to my face and I pretended to cough so that he would back off, he moved his head back and I gave him a curt smile.

"No. My parents and I agreed that I would wait until I'm older to get married. Save myself for later, you know?" I told him a convincing lie.

Same yourself for later, yeah right. Paolo was smirking at me. The music stopped and I quickly let go of Paolo, but he pulled me back towards him.

"You can save yourself for me," He whispered into my ear, "I can assure you a man such as myself is worth disobeying your parents for."

I tried pushing him away but was soon met with a dagger pressing onto my stomach. Shit.

"Follow me, my love," Paolo forced me out of the ballroom and up a flight of stairs, the dagger still firmly pressed against my stomach.

   As I was forced into a bedroom I looked around for any possible weapons. Hannibal would noticed if I was gone in an instant, I would just need to either stall... or injure Paolo until he came. Paolo pushed me onto a bed and handcuffed my wrists to the bed post.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Paolo grinned.


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