Chapter 24 - hostage

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It had been several days since the gala. I was still not allowed to go out because Hannibal knew that Leonardo was planning something. I was on house arrest.

Hannibal and I were lying in bed together, his arms wrapped around me and my head buried in his chest.

"If I don't go outside they'll come inside," I softly said to Hannibal.

"They will. And they will take you away," Hannibal told you, "but I will find you and end Leonardo."

I did want to see what Hannibal would do if I was taken from him. Leonardo saw Hannibal as just another wannabe killer. He didn't know what he had coming. He told me they would kidnapped me for ransom. The price was Hannibal's dead body.

I wasn't afraid because I trusted Hannibal. He saved me more than once from death and I'm sure he could do it again.

"They will quite possibly come later tonight to take you, and I'll let that happen," Hannibal rubbed my back, "I need to know if you can trust me to let you go, my dear? So that I may find you again."

"I trust you, I always have and always will," I smiled.

Hannibal kissed me before he left the room. We both didn't want Leonardo knowing we were together, and so I couldn't be in the same room when it was time for me to be kidnapped.

It wasn't the first time I had been kidnapped, so I played the whole scenario in my head. First, people breaking in and me acting all scared and terrified... quite possibly crying. Heh. Second, they chloroform me and I weakly fight them off. Third, I am now in their lair and awaiting for whatever happens next. I mentally laughed. This was definitely not new to me.

I would need to pretend to be weak so that they wouldn't beat me up a lot in case they would do that. I fake slept and calmly breathed. Waiting for them to come.


Glass shattered all over the floor. Time to use my acting skills. I faked being shocked and pushed myself to the back of the bed, screaming and throwing whatever I could at the intruder. Mostly pillows, a book and a lamp if I was lucky.

  A person dressed in all black with a ski mask on advanced towards me with a rag in his hands, probably doused in chloroform. He put the rag to my mouth after a little fighting back and forth. I blacked out.


  Ouch. I awoke to find myself tied to a chair. Duct tape was placed over my mouth, I licked the tape and it came off. Footsteps lightly tapping on the ground approached me. I scanned the surroundings and saw that it was a bland, four wall room. Blood stains were in random places and a medal door was set in one of the walls.

   The steps stopped and the medal door opened with a click. It was Leonardo. He walked in with a smug smile of victory, I stared blankly at him.

"You seem happy," I flashed a crooked smile.

"Yes I am, dear!" He grinned, "the infamous Hannibal the Cannibal will die at the hands of me!"

"Hm," I nodded.

"You should feel intimidated," Leonardo walked over to me, "I'm about to kill your father."

   I gave him a sly smirk and he frowned.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked as he put both his hands on the armchairs, practically caging me under him, trying to scare me by getting up in my face.



Thx for reading

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