Chapter 2 - The Unfamiliar Man

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  I was now in the man's house. It was small with one bed, a couch, a small table, a bathroom, and a kitchen. It had a cabin like ambiance. (I don't really know what his house looks like)

  The man talked for a bit while he and I both walked to his home, there I found out his name was Will Graham, eventually I reluctantly told him my name.

He told me that he wouldn't mind if I stayed a few nights until I was situated. I slept on the couch or the floor most of the time, even though Will protested and said it would be rude of him, but I insisted. The couch was quite an upgrade from the forest floor, though the occasional dog would try to lick my face or jump onto the couch with me. Ouch.

  It was the second day of me staying there, a Sunday. I was aware that Will would quite possibly go to work tomorrow... whatever his work was.


  Will was drinking some black coffee in the morning when there was a sudden knock at the door. I was sleeping later than usual since the dogs kept me up the other night, and on the floor since the dogs overpowered me and stole the couch.  The knock startled me awake and so I peered over one of the dogs sleeping next to me and saw Will going to the door. I turned my back to Will and pretended to sleep. of course, I wanted to eavesdrop. So I did.

  I heard another man's voice enter the house and heard them come in the room and sit at the small table near the window. The stranger had an elegant accent that I didn't recognize. Not being very good with placing accents I assumed somewhere over in Europe.

"Who's this?" The unfamiliar man asked Will, probably gesturing towards me. I couldn't see the man because my back was facing him.

"(Y/n)? I found them in the woods," Will told him, "Well, actually my dogs found them living in the woods."

"Why were they out there?" The man asked.

"I still don't really know," Will signed, "They said they were hiding from someone. They didn't tell me much and I'm trying not to pry."

"That's a smart thing to do, Will," the unfamiliar man spoke, "Prying into people's lives is quite rude."

I appreciated Will for that, though he would often try to analyze me he never pried. He knew what it was like for people to constantly pry in his life. But if only he knew what had been done to me. Bill Jones was worse than any trafficker I had heard of, he trafficked people, killed them, and many more vile things he did to innocent people. If I ever met him again, I would rip his damn head off and tear him to pieces.

"Why don't you have them come by my office?" The man said, "They might need help."

  There was hesitation as Will pondered whether or not to let me have a session with him. It would either be Alana find out about me and suggest therapy... or Will do it. Will was stubborn as I heard learn in my short time living with him, like a brother trying to win an argument.

"I guess so, but only if they want to," Will told the man.

But that got me thinking... I had been through a lot of traumatic stuff, I lived with a serial killer for fuck's sake! Would having therapy help me get over those unfortunate events?

Thx for reading my froggies! 🐸
I hope you have an awesome day!

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