Chapter 33 - In the Dragon's Lair

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  I awoke to a mild headache and soreness covering my body. Shit, that hurts. It was dark... what happened— oh. Last thing I remembered was being in that elevator with the man. I tried to move but soon found that I was tied with rope and a sack was over my head. I felt glass around my hand and I smiled.

I picked up one of the glass pieces and started cutting the rope. It took several minutes but I soon cut the rope that bound my wrists. I took the sack off of my head and immediately started on the rope that tied my ankles together. I was a little afraid the glass would slip in my hands and cut me.

My ankles were freed and I stood up cautiously, only to be lowered to the ground by myself. Everything hurt, probably because the man slammed me into the wall several times. I got up again and saw that I was in some sort of attic. The broken glass came from a mirror behind me that seemed to have been hit by something... or better yet, someone.

I looked around and saw a way downstairs. I made my way out of the attic and cautiously walked through the house. Why was I here? He could've just left me or killed me. Most likely kill me.

I heard two people talking and quietly walked to the voices. I peeked behind a wall and saw the man who kidnapped me with a pretty, dark skinned lady. They were watching something. I looked at the thing that was playing and saw Will's wife and her kid on the screen. Soon I saw myself on the screen with them. My eyes widened and I put the pieces together. Was he the tooth fairy? I didn't noticed that the man turned his head in my direction and saw me.

Ah poo.

"I need to go deal with something, stay here," The man said in a gruff voice.

    I darted away and ran to a door as fast as I could go. I heard footsteps pounding behind me. I mentally scolded myself for lingering there too long. Just as I put my hand on the doorknob, the man grabbed me and smashed me against the door. The unfairness of this fight pissed me off.

"What do you want from me?!" I screamed at him.

"You aren't part of their family..." The man hauled me to my feet and glared at me.

    I hesitated before answering I am. He somehow knew I was lying and just growled in response. A glass vase was besides me and so I grabbed it and smashed it against his head. His grip loosened on me and I made a break for it. Run... run! That's the only words that were replaying in my head. Run or die. Fright or die. Anything but die!

I saw a window and lunged at it, my body destroying the glass upon impact and falling onto the grass that was now covered in shards of glass. The grass looked like it was sparkling. I got up, brushed the glass off of me and ran. I looked over my shoulder and saw the man, but he wasn't chasing after me, luckily. He just watched as I ran away.

    I ran and ran until I needed to take a break. I then walked to a road and got a ride in the back of a truck thanks to a kind, old lady. I had to get back home before he killed them. The lady dropped me off on a road, and I ran the rest of the way on foot. A car passed and it kept swaying now and then. I didn't pay much attention to it because I needed to get to the house before the tooth fairy did.

     I heard someone yell in anger and my breathing hitched. Running regardless of the sound, I soon came upon the house. The car was gone and I smiled in relief. The door was opened and so I checked the whole house just in case. They were gone. Wait... wouldn't that mean- that car earlier was the one here?

    I grabbed a phone nearby and called Will who picked up quickly.

"Will? It's (y/n)!" I exclaimed.

"What?! Where have you been?!" Will shouted frantically, "I was worried sick!"

"I was with the tooth fairy."

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