Chapter 13 - Death

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I went pale soon after Will told me Bill escaped the hospital. Hannibal came by my side and pulled me into a hug. His hugs were the best. Sorry Will, your second on my top huggers list.

"He escaped but... He hasn't left the hospital," Will locked the room I was in and pushed a chair up against it. I forgot about Will's dog that was still here. He jumped onto the bed and went into protective mode. Aw, cute scary doggy to the rescue.

"He has a strange obsession with you (y/n)," Will started searching the cabinets for anything that was close to a weapon for me to use since he already had a gun.

Yeah, no shit sherlock. He wants to kill me.

"Call Jack," Hannibal ordered Will.

While Will called Jack, Hannibal was attempting to soothe me, he tightly had me in his arms. My heart was racing. I was pissed off and scared. The dog was attempting to calm me by sitting on my lap. It kind of helped.

There was an ear-piercing scream and we all remained quiet. The lights went out as we heard more screams emit. I silently cried while still hugging onto Hannibal. As soon as all of this was over Hannibal promised himself to murder Bill gruesomely. Either he'd do it or me. Forget my deal with Chilton, he should die at my hands.

The screaming came to a halt and the lights came back on. I looked to the door and saw blood smeared everywhere on the outside. That bastard was trying to scare us, but it only made everyone in the room furious. Hannibal was ready to make someone suffer. This was horribly overwhelming. Will looked anxious as he slowly made his way over to the door. Police sirens were heard from the distance and a small wave of relief passed by everyone, but not enough to put everyone at ease. The blood had to come from somewhere.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), it's okay," Hannibal kissed my forehead.

Bill did this. Bill did this.

"No... it's... it's not okay," I seethed, "he's still out there!"

Grace stared at the blood in shock. I felt sorry that she had to still deal with Bill's bullshit even after she was finally free.

"Can you stay with me for the night?" Grace asked me.

   I nodded. Police were now walking through the halls with guns raised to eye level. Will unlocked the door, gun still at hand. Jack came into the room with a slightly scared expression. Everyone was on high alert as the hospital was on full lock down.

"Will, Hannibal, a word," Jack motioned to the men to follow him outside.

I tried listening to what the conversation was but the walls muffled there voices.

Once they came back in I gave them a curious expression. Will rubbed the back of his neck, he was nervous.

"I know something is wrong besides the fact that... Bill is missing," I said.

"All of his victims are dead," Hannibal told me, "he drugged them all so that they would be too weak to call for help. Killed them off one by one."

He fucking did what?! (My literally reaction to rereading this two years later, I call that lazy writing. I made him kill everyone?? What the hell)

Strangely, Hannibal didn't seem bothered by what he just said. He despised Bill, that bit was obvious.

The information hit me like a bullet. Am I ever going to be safe? My breathing quickened. Was it my fault? If I had let Jack question them would they have lived? I had an immense feeling of guilt. The dog started barking at everyone to get their attention to me, because they were staring at the door. This was too overwhelming. I blacked out after hearing my name being called frantically.

Thanks for reading! 🐸
The next chapter I'll try to make longer and add a picture or two

(A/N 2023, I seriously just killed off all the victims except Grace?? What was I thinking? How the hell was he able to do that? Lazy writing at its best my peeps. Bad me bad me)

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