Chapter 10 - Bill Jones

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    I awoke to the sound of an engine. I looked around and then started hyperventilating when I saw that I was in the trunk of a car, tied up so I couldn't move much. Fuck. I tried to move around but something sharp kept poking me in my shoe. Eventually, I figured out it was a small knife Chilton slipped into the side of my shoe. When he would've done that, I have no clue.

   The car stopped after a few more minutes and I heard a door open, and slam shut. The trunk opened and I saw Bill staring at me with a sadistic grin. He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder before he started limping somewhere. He was struggling and I smirked at his pain.

   Out of nowhere someone screamed. I looked in the direction of the sound and saw an injured woman on the floor, chained to a pole. I looked around and saw more people chained, caged, or tied up. This sick bastard. I might it my soul duty to kill this man and free these poor people. As long as I didn't screw anything up. Bill brought me to a large dog cage. He set me down beside it, took a knife out, and began cutting the binds.  As soon as he was done, I tried to run but he grabbed me and pushed me into the cage.

"I'm coming back for you later," Bill grinned, "we are going to finish what I started."

  He walked away. I started pretending to cry, curling up into a ball so that no one could see my smiling face.

Oh, how stupid and sloppy you've become, Bill.

   Bill forgot to check me for weapons or means of communication. I looked around to make sure Bill was nowhere to be seen. People were still crying and screaming, and I knew Bill wouldn't be able to hear me make a call. I took out the phone Will gave me and smirked. I called Will.

"(Y/n)?!" Will shouted frantically over the phone. I shushed him and began to speak.

"I don't have much time," I whispered, "I think I'm in an abandoned factory or warehouse in the middle of the woods!"

  I heard multiple people in the background noise of the phone.

"We know where that is!" Will said, "we're coming, hang on."

"There are others here too!" I said into the phone before I heard a man's voice yell in anger. The voice didn't come from the phone which was not good.

  Bill walked over to my cage and knocked the cage over as I gasped from the sudden attack, my back hitting the medal.

"What have you done?!" He yelled at me with a crazy, angry look in his eyes, a medal rod dragging behind him. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

   I didn't speak and just grinned. Bill was furious so he opened the cage and dragged me out. Upon him doing that I instantly grabbed the knife out of my shoe and stabbed him in the eye with it, before I could do anymore damage he shoved me off and threw me into the wall. He smashed my phone with a medal rode and continued to beat me with it. Once he was done abusing me, he shoved me back into the cage and I weakly laughed at him. He held his bleeding eye. He hit me on the head hard, hopefully he didn't give me a concussion.

I'm losing it aren't I?

   Blood was all over me. He struck my head and so blood was seeping down the side of my face. I was sore and bruised badly. Bill came back with a thick, black blanket and covered the cage I was in.

"I'm taking you with me when I leave," I heard him say before you could hear his footsteps go away, "You'll regret stabbing me for the rest of your fuckin' life!"

If he saw me he'd hurt me more, as I flipped him off. It was getting really hot in the cage due to the thick blanket. I was sweating, panting and then eventually passed out from the heat.

Screams filled my ears, and I shot up, accidentally slamming my head into the cage. Ow. It took me a second to figure out what was going on before memories of the previous events started flooding my mind.

I was freaking out again, holding the knife tightly in my shaky hands. I didn't want to go with Bill and I for sure didn't want to leave Virginia. I started thinking about Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter. Will was like a brother to me, the only family I've ever had and I really wanted to see Hannibal again. What happened to Chilton? Did he survive or did Bill reach him? Why haven't they come to recuse me yet?

I heard footsteps pounding on the cement floor towards me. This is it. I either live or die. Bill better get himself ready for the worst fuckin' fight of his life.


Thx for reading my froggies 🐸

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