Chapter 14 - Koda

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   I stopped breathing in my sleep and awoke while gasping for air. I was in my hospital bed again. What happened? I remembered all the previous events. Why me? Why did this all have to happen to me?!

  I looked to my side and saw a curtain, I quietly pulled back a little of it and saw Grace sleeping in a bed. They must've put another bed in here. I was happy that they arranged for me to be in the same room with her. I weren't quite as scared anymore.

  There was a chair in the corner of the room near me, and Hannibal was on it, sleeping. He didn't hear my loud gasps for air so I deduced that he probably didn't get a lot of sleep and he was deep sleeping at the moment.

   Grace woke up, saw that Hannibal was sleeping, and remained quiet.

"I don't want to ask 'how are you doing' because I know the answer to that," she whispered to me as she sat up and turned to my direction, "Instead, I want to ask what's your favorite color?"

    I liked having a normal get-to-know-each-other conversation. It pushed the dark reality of what was happening aside. Especially with how random her question was. I smiled.

"(F/c), yours?"

"Sea green," She smiled.

   We both talked about normal things for around an hour. I started talking about places I wanted to travel to and that's when Hannibal woke up. I apologized to him if we were being too loud but he said we weren't.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked in curiosity.

"Places we want to travel to," Grace explained.

"And where are you wanting to travel, (y/n)?" Hannibal asked me.

"I'd want to travel overseas," I answered, "like Italy, China, Africa, France, Spain, the list goes on!"

   Hannibal's ears perked when he heard me say Italy. Will came in with his dog and the dog hopped onto my bed and laid down on my lap.
   The dog's name was Koda, he was a black and dark brown German Shepherd, amongst all of the dogs Koda liked me the most.

   The dog's name was Koda, he was a black and dark brown German Shepherd, amongst all of the dogs Koda liked me the most

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   Koda was skeptical of Hannibal. No doubt that's why he growled at him. But Koda was known for being skeptical of strangers so it wasn't alarming.

"They cleaned up everything," Will told me, "So if you were wanting to walk around you could."

Did I really want to walk through those halls?

"How long was I out?" I narrowed my eyebrows quizzically.

"Around seven hours," Hannibal answered.

Seven hours?! I looked out the window and saw that it was dark out.

"What time is it?" There wasn't a clock in the room.

"Around seven," Will looked at his watch.

    Hannibal left after telling me he'd bring dinner back because the hospital food wasn't great. Will left but he let Koda stay with me, he said that if anybody said that he wasn't allowed here to just tell them he's a service dog or something.

     It was close to eight pm and Grace dosed off. I left one lamp on so that I could read the books that Hannibal left me. Koda was sleeping on top of me. Luckily, Will found my phone and left it with me, it had a crack on it but other than that it worked perfectly fine. Hannibal texted that he would be coming soon with the food.

   I was about to read a new chapter when I heard a thud from outside of the room. My heart skipped a beat and Koda woke up, he could practically sense that something was off. He growled quietly. Once he did that, I knew it could either be Hannibal... or a stranger.

I saw a shadow of a male figure, my eyes widened in fear. Hannibal was tall, this person wasn't. Did they think I was sleeping? What if it was Bill? Could I trick him? It was worth a shot.

I laid my head back and breathed calmly. There were medal scissors close to me, and so I quietly took them and hid the scissors under my blanket. I could hear raspy breathing. Koda moved a bit.

"Nice doggie," A familiar voice cooed.

Of course, it was Bill. I could sense him getting closer and it was getting harder to control my breathing. My grip tightened on the scissors. In an instant, Koda pounced onto Bill, he fell onto his back and Koda began to claw and bite at him. Bill was screaming as he attempted to get the dog off of him. I saw that he tried to coax the dog with a bone from goodness knows where but failed miserably to my luck.

I got up and was about to stab him with the scissors. I stabbed him in the chest but before I could anything else, someone from behind held my arms down.

"NO!" I screamed, "LET ME KILL HIM!"

The person was quite strong. A rag was put to my face, and I assumed it was chloroform. I breathed in the strange smell and became lightheaded. It took a few minutes for it to start affecting me, the sounds of Bill fighting the dog happening loudly in the background.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). But you must be asleep for this," A familiar voice whispered into my ear, "I will end your suffering by ending him."

My head hurt like hell. My vision was slightly blurry. Bill was still screaming at the dog as the other person picked me up and set me down on my bed. In less than a minute or two I finally blacked out.

So I've seen a lot of comments on other stories saying that Chloroform takes at least 5 minutes before the person becomes unconscious, so I attempted to write it better. 😴
Thx for reading!!

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