Chapter 40 - Adrenaline

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"Don't tell Jack that you deliberately tried to find Dolly."


I was interrupted by hearing the door to the bedroom open. I hid my phone inside the back of the toilet. No one would look there. At least... I'd hoped not.

"Are you in the bathroom, my doll?" I heard the old man say.

"Yes... sir." I responded before oppening the door to meet my captor.

    He took a hold of my wrist and pulled me out of the room. Great. He was quite possibly going to kill me or do whatever doll stuff he did. The knife was still in my shoe and I mentally grinned. He dragged me down a hall and into a large bedroom. Sam locked the door and handed me a cup of water and pills.

"Take these. It'll make it easier."

  He made the mistake of turning his back. I took that chance to slip the pills into my pocket and fake that I took them. He turned around in time to see me drink the water and fake a disgusted face. I should become an actor.

"What were those... pills?" Is this what Hannibal felt like before killing his victim? Knowing that Sam's death will serve a purpose, that those girls he kidnapped will be free... but they will still be broken.

"A form of sedative." He was very blunt. Which was helpful in this case.

    To be more dramatic, I staggered as he guided me towards the bed. My heart was racing, but not from fear, it was racing from knowing the fact I had the upper hand. The fact that the outcome of this situation could be numerous! The outcome of this situation was up to me. It was thrilling, to say the least.


    I shakily nodded. I took my jacket off first then made my way to my shoes. I took my chance, gripping the knife in my hand, I pounced onto the old man. Stabbing him multiple times in the chest. He let out a blood curdling scream and I grinned crazily. I should kill predators for a living.

   His body become limp. Blood pooled around him and coated my arms, drops scattered across my face, and my clothes were stained. I stood up, panting. Adrenaline rushing through my body.

"A little sloppy," a familiar, accented voice said, "but well done."

   I turned my head and saw Hannibal before me. My eyes widened in surprise. I wanted to run into his arms but the blood covering me stopped that desire.

"You remind me of that film... what was it?" Hannibal smirked, "Carrie."

   I softly laughed at his remark and walked over to him, shoes in hand. He had a suitcase in one hand and a phone in the other.

"I called Will." I told him as we walked out of the house, "he'll probably be here soon."

"Finding all the victims... except you." Hannibal stated.


     Hannibal lead me to a black car, plastic covered my seat. Smart. I got in and we drove off. The blood drying on my skin was becoming uncomfortable. I felt gross. I would need to take a hundred showers before I could feel clean again.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"First, to a hotel where you can clean up and rest." Hannibal answered, "And then, off to Switzerland."

  Switzerland? I had never been there. I nodded with a smiled. We got to the hotel late at night and Hannibal draped a black cloak over my body so that no one would see the blood.

   We entered the hotel and quickly made our way to our room. We found it in a matter of minutes and entered the suite. It was a nice looking place. I immediately made my way to the shower after searching for it and washed off while Hannibal was further planning our escape. Making sure there was no flaws or kinks and thinking of every possible outcome.

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