Chapter 41 - Sorrows Sorrows

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I immediately made my way to the shower after searching for it and washed off while Hannibal was further planning our escape. Making sure there was no flaws and thinking of every possible outcome.

   After I was done with my shower, I put on some new clothes that Hannibal provided for me and walked out of the room. Hannibal wasn't to be seen. I felt strong arms wrap around me and someone put their chin on the nape of my neck.

"Is there a possibility of me saying goodbye to Will?" I asked Hannibal as he lead me to the bed.

"Yes," He responded. "He will quite possibly come here... alone."

"Will you let me say goodbye?"

Hannibal gave me a light smile. He wouldn't deny me such a thing.

"Of course," he pulled back the covers of the bed, "And I would like you to give him a hint of where we'll be going."

"Like a code word or something for him to figure out?"

    Hannibal and I got into the bed. He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around my form.

"It can be as simple as a few words in Dutch."

"I can do that." I smiled.

    Hannibal reached his arm over to the lamp and turned it off, placing his arm around me.

"Goodnight, dear." Hannibal kissed my forehead.


   I awoke to the sun shining upon my face. I sat up an stretched ny arm before pushing off the covers and leaving the bed. Hannibal was already up and had the suitcases by the door. He was sitting at a small table with a cup of tea and a newspaper spread over the table. He looked quite fatherly.

"What are you reading?" I walked over and stared at the newspaper which had my face on it along with Hannibal.

   I let out a soft laugh as I shook my head. Looks like I became famous... or infamous, depending on what the article said about me. And depending on who wrote it. If Freddie write it then I would for sure he portrayed as the villain.

"Does it say I'm your partner in crime or that you're holding me hostage?" I asked Hannibal with a smirk.

"Close to the second one," He responded.

     Hannibal looked up at the clock in the room, I took that as a sign that it was time to leave soon. I slept in the clothes I was going to wear for the journey to Switzerland. How exciting it was going to be!

"Time to go," Hannibal stood up and took the handles of both suitcases.

"I can hold my own," I offered, not wanting him to have to carry my suitcase along with his.

"You will stay in this room for a few more minutes until I get the car packed and ready," Hannibal exclaimed. "This is when you will say goodbye to Will... but not a forever goodbye."

    I nodded in understanding and sat on the edge of the bed. I was grateful that Hannibal allowed me to say goodbye to Will. He was, of course, not forcing me to go with him. I fully consented to go. Hannibal and I could not deny our feelings for eachother. Him being locked up in that glass cage was not able to push us apart. Every moment and time valuable even though they were short.

    Hannibal gingerly held my chin and lifted my face so that he could place a soft kiss on my lips before leaving to get the getaway car ready. What a life I was living now.

   As soon as I heard footsteps in the hall my heart beat quickened. Hopefully Will comes along, I definitely did not want to deal with Jack or the police. The news was probably raving about me getting kidnapped by the Dolly creep and then being kidnapped again by the infamous Hannibal the Cannibal.

   I remembered stabbing the Dolly man, Sam, Will probably knew it was me because Hannibal did his work with precision and wasn't sloppy. The body would've also been disposed of and a clean crime scene.

   The door slowly opened and in came Will. He sighed in relief once he saw that I was okay and alive. I stood up and walked over to him, giving him the last hug he would get from me for awhile. My eyes water a bit, it was hard not to feel sorrowful knowing that my contact with him would be limited.

"What did you tell them?" I asked. Will knew exactly what I meant.

"Hannibal forced you to kill him, and he took you as a hostage," He let go of me, I could see the tears forming in his eyes, "his final girl."

"Good," I gave him a weak smile but was quite sad. "I'm going to miss you, Will. You've always been like a brother to me and it's hard to leave you here."

"I'm sad to see you go, hopefully we'll see eachother again soon."

"I'll send postcards," I reassured him, "they'll be from your faraway cousin."

"I look forward to them." Will smiled, "is it possible that you can tell me where you're going?"

"A hint is all you get," you gave him one last hug then made your way over to the door, "Ik zal je missen, Will!"

   Will had tears forming in his eyes and waved at me before I left the room. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I wiped them away as I walked down the halls of the hotel. Constantly glancing backwards to see if my friend would follow me. But he did not.

   I left the hotel and soon found Hannibal waiting in the car for me. As I got in he saw me wiping away tears and rubbed my back to comfort me before driving off. I felt quite grieved, like someone I cared about had died. But instead it was because my life in Virginia was over.


   We both came to a pier and an enormous cruise ship was before us. I gawked at the ship as we got out of the car. Hannibal came beside me and put his arm around my waist, pulling his gaze from the ship to me. A light kiss gracing my lips.

"Are you ready for another adventure?" He asked while we walked over to the ship that would take us to Europe.

I felt overwhelmed with emotions. Sadness of leaving Will and the small town in Virginia. But also excitement and joy to travel to the other side of the world!

"Absolutely." I responded with a huge smile.

"After you, my dear."

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