Chapter 17 - A Party & An Arm

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I knew about Hannibal killing Bill, I was no longer extremely paranoid. But I continued to wonder how Hannibal was good at getting rid of Bill. No one even came to question me or Hannibal about his death. They just determined that it was the Chesapeake Ripper striking. Once again.

Hannibal was having a party at his house. He was inviting some people I knew and some strangers. I was glad to hear that Will and Alana was coming. I was happier about Will, though. Chilton was invited and I wasn't too happy nor angry. I knew Hannibal disliked him, but I didn't know why he, of all people, would invite him.

Hannibal got me a chic black outfit to wear at the party. I helped with dinner preparations and cleaned the house with Hannibal before the guests started arriving. I had gotten better at cleaning without having any breakdowns or odd happenings. I had Hannibal to thank for that. Starting out slow then doing more.

    I spoke with Will and Alana the most out of anyone, besides Hannibal, and as soon as Alana left to go chat with other people Will leaned towards me.

"I don't trust him, and you shouldn't either," Will was concerned for me, I didn't mind but he was starting to treat me like a child. Seriously, Will? You're the one who let me do sessions with him.

"I need you to trust that I trust Hannibal. I'm not naive, Will. Nor am I completely defenseless," I hugged him, "but thanks for looking out for me."

    He only smiled and nodded before leaving to go scope the area. I was people watching and trying to analyze everyone. But before I even started analyzing the other half of people, Chilton walked over to me. I inwardly groaned in annoyance. As he walked towards me a fake smiled appeared on my face, Chilton could tell.

"You and I both know you aren't happy to see me." Chilton smirked; he had his cane. But he was fiddling with it and tapping it on the ground more than usual.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked him.

"I'm not nervous. What makes you think that?"

     Chilton small talked with me for a few minutes before he left to talk to Jack. They looked like they were whispering to each other, and Chilton kept glancing at Hannibal. I made my way over to Hannibal and quietly told him what I saw. He told me not to worry about it. The party was starting to get boring. I sat down on the couch and continued to people watch.

"I'm just going to take this to go," I heard Jack's voice, "that's okay... right?"

I turned my attention to Jack and Hannibal. Jack left with some food from the party, when no one was looking Hannibal let out a small smirk.


The party was over soon, and I was helping Hannibal clean up. I put some leftover meat in a Ziplock bag and left the kitchen to go find the freezer in the basement. Hannibal preferred me not to go down there because he said it smelled badly from all of the meat.

There was no more room in the upstairs fridge and so I thought he wouldn't care if I brought stuff down. The first thing I saw when I went downstairs was plastic hanging from the ceiling. The basement looked really odd. (I don't really know how to describe his basement, just watch the series if you don't know)

As I walked farther in I noticed that it didn't smell as bad as Hannibal made it out to be. There was only a slight smell of blood and meat, it didn't bother me. I was used to the smell. I found a freezer and opened it, dropping the bag into it. I was about to walk out of the basement when I saw something weird on a cutting table nearby. I slowly walked over to the table and then my face paled.

   There was an arm on the table. A chopped off arm! Hannibal would have surely known about this. Did he want me to know? Was he hiding more stuff from me? I slowly backed away from the bloody arm. But as I backed away, I suddenly heard someone else breathing.


Boo! I'm back and writing more chapters! I'm bad at doing stuff chronically so please excuse me, I try to follow along with the episodes
Thx for reading!

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