Chapter 34 - Back and Forth

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Will drove his car to the house in a hurry. He brought me to the hospital that Molly and Walter were at. He explained what had happened since I was gone for two days. We both reached the hospital and visited Molly, who was unconscious.

"Jack will want to question you," Will spoke.

"I know," I signed, "I can't help but think this is all my fault. That I didn't get to them in time. I could've done something!"

"No, no!" Will gave me a comforting hug, "it wasn't your fault! You did everything you could, and you were being held captive by that monster. You couldn't have done anything. It's not your fault."

"It's hard to believe that." I shook my head, "I need to see Hannibal."

"Surprisingly..." Will sighed, "I'm allowing that. But after you need to talk to the FBI about everything that happened. Ok?"


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"Okay." I smiled, happy that I was going to see Hannibal.

"And also get those cuts treated." Will said in a fatherly manner.

"Okay, dad!" I joked before leaving the room.

    I still had a heavy feeling of guilt. Perhaps I was overthinking it. I was quite an overthinker, anyway. I got a taxi and left to go see Hannibal. While in the car I went into some heavy thinking. Maybe that's why he didn't kill me? He wasn't sure if I was actually in their family. I guess to him I didn't count. What if that's why he kidnapped me? To get me out of the way? Would he have killed me after?

Once I arrived, Hannibal wasn't waiting by the glass for the first time. This time he was surprised I was here to see him. He looked quite cute with his hint of surprise. Though, knowing Hannibal he was easily able to hide his surprise.

"I didn't expect you to come." He smiled, "they told me you were kidnapped."

"I escaped," I was let into his cell and Hannibal and I embraced.

"Tell me, what was it like being in the dragon's domain?"

"Interesting, scary, strange," I tried to describe what I saw in a few words.

"I can only imagine. Have you told Jack any information yet?" He asked.

"No. I have to after I leave, though."

"I would rather you tell them very little."

"What? Why?" I looked at him with a bit of bewilderment.

But how would they track down the killer?! For all you know that man could still be after them! I knew what Hannibal had done in the past, I wouldn't be surprised but to ask me to not tell the FBI on what I saw was surprising. Of course I'd never say a word about Hannibal but someone else... of course I would.

"Because I'm curious what would happen."


Sorry for the short chapter ❤️

I would like to know if there's anything you'd like to happen in the story? Suggestions and what not.

Thx so much for all the support!

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