Chapter 1 - Will Graham

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  Alright my lovelies, here's the tea:
(Y/N) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(E/c) = Eye color
(H/c) = hair color
(F/c) = Favorite color

I was living in the woods; I had been living in the woods for at least half a month by now. Perhaps even more but I lost track.  But I had gotten used to it. It was peaceful and serene... if you ignore the loud birds, occasionally mosquitoes and other wildlife.

   I had a whole, small shelter set up; the ground was indeed uncomfortable. I wish I could've said I adapted quickly, but the ground was hard and uncomfortable as hell.

Ever since I was abducted by a serial killer, I learned to survive the hard way. He never raped me to my little luck, but he did abuse me. He was sadistic, as you would assume. Bill Jones. He was dead to me. A memory that I never wanted to dig up but would resurface whether I wanted to or not.

  Now in the present, I was just collecting sticks for my shelter. It was beginning to get colder as fall was approaching. I came back to my wooden shelter and saw several dogs hanging out there. I slowly approached the dogs, unaware of a person watching from afar.

The dogs let out quiet barks and whines as they rushed to me. The dogs all running towards me made me a little nervous but once they were close, they were much friendlier, just a little too excited for my liking. I placed all my sticks in a vine basket.

  I soon walked back to my fort with the dogs following and sat down at the front of my small, wooden shelter. The dogs all came around me and laid down. I laid down with the dogs as well as took a short nap with them. I should have been questioning the mob of dogs, but I didn't care, I needed something different to happen.

  As soon as I woke up there were more dogs than before resting around me.

"Huh?" I abruptly sat up, "Where do you all come from?"

  Suddenly leaves crunched several yards away from me. I looked up quickly and saw a man in his late twenties or thirties slowly walk over to me. He looked surprised and unsure, his hands up to show he was unarmed and meant no harm.

"Don't be afraid," He said to me, calmly.

"You're their owner?" I assumed, glancing at the dogs who weren't alarmed by the new face.

"Yes, I am," He said as he came closer, he looked at me curiously... I felt like he was trying to read me. Analyze even. It was a little unsettling the way he stared into my eyes.

   I didn't know whether to fear the man or be in awe at all the dogs he had. Both... both is good.

"Why are you out here alone?" The man asked, I could see the concern in his eyes even though he was seemingly at concealing emotions.

"Because I need to hide."

"From who?" The curly haired, brunette man asked.

  I looked at him with a blank expression, I wasn't going to tell him. What am I? Stupid? Sometimes, yes... I didn't know this man. I stared down at the ground and sighed.

"It's fine if you don't tell me," He said, then asked; "Would you like to be inside instead of out here?"

  I was uncertain, but sensed genuine concern in his voice that I felt I could trust him. Looking up at the man and slowly nodding my head as I stood up, brushing the dirt and leaves off of me. Though I called myself dumb for accepting his generous offer it would be nice being somewhere warm. The dogs saw me stand and immediately stood as well to go with us both.


Thx for reading!
Violence will be in this book! Mentions and flashbacks of abuse will also be in this book! You have been warned!

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