Chapter 35 - Tell Them Nothing

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"I see." I responded.

    Would I be curious of what would've happened if I had let the Dragon successfully get to Will's family? No. Curiosity killed the cat, heh. Hannibal picked me up bridal style and brought me to his bed.

"Around this time is when they turn all the lights off," He whispered into me ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Just as he predicted, the lights turned off and all that could be seen was a little light coming from a small window. My eyes adjusted slowly to the darkness and I could only make out shapes and figures. Hannibal was on top of me, one of his hands placed firmly on my waist. He slid his hand under my back and he raised me to him as we passionately kissed. His body was pressed against mine.

His dominance was arousing, he was the predator and I was the prey. Any negative thoughts that were in my head disappeared... the guilt, the anger at Jack, the fear of the red dragon... gone.

"You're mine, (y/n)."

Hannibal pressed each of my bruises, causing groans of mild pain to leave my mouth. Being bruised didn't bother me at the moment. If anybody I knew saw what was happening they'd judge me greatly, but did it really matter what anybody thought? Absolutely not.

Hannibal held the back of my neck to have more control. His tongue brushed against my lips, asking for entrance. I denied but one press to a bruise and I gasped. He forced his tongue into my mouth as he pressed his weight against me, trapping me underneath him.

  While one of his hands held me in place, the other roamed my body, feeling every inch of me. He slid his hand under my pants and undergarments, feeling me there. I moaned against him, feeling him smile while he deepened the kiss.

  This would be one hell of a night.


   Waking up in Hannibal's bed was completely normal... except that he was in a cell. The day was starting out pretty well.

"Good morning, beautiful," He purred.

  Hannibal and I were face to face in the bed, noses practically touching, bodies against eachother. Hannibal was already awake. Watching me sleep with a soft smile.

"Did you use any of the techniques I taught you against the dragon?" Hannibal asked as he brushed his fingers through my hair. (If your bald then he just pet your baldness)

"I tried," I weakly smiled, "he's a lot stronger than he looks."

"You remember what I told you yesterday?" He now asked in a whisper.

"The don't tell any information thing?" I mimicked Hannibal, earning a chuckle from him.


"I didn't forget." I reassured him.

    We were both interrupted by someone lightly knocking on the clear, cell wall. I looked up and saw Jack. Shit. Of course he had to ruin the moment! I rolled my eyes and stayed lying on the bed while Hannibal kissed my forehead before getting up to address the irritated man.

"What brings you here, Jack?"

Hannibal knew perfectly well why Jack was here. He was here for me. They were going to interrogate me. Yippee, fun! Sarcasm. Of all the days they would need me it just had to be today?

"(Y/n) needs to come with me for an interrogation." Jack said, his face holding no emotion but his behavior showing annoyance.

I got out of the bed and walked to Hannibal's side, clearly bothered.

"I guess I'll be seeing you later, my dear." Hannibal held my hand and brought it to his lips, placing a light kiss on the back of my hand.

"Until next time." I tried to hide my smile, although it was quite difficult.

I was let out of the cell and left with Jack. I would have to ride with him which was going to be one of the most awkward car rides I've ever been in.

Tell them nothing.

That sentence kept repeating in my head. I was tempted to obey... but if I did how many more were to die at the hands of the dragon? With a single location they could locate his house and it would be done for. Was Hannibal planning something? And if so... what? This was all very overwhelming to me.

The car ride was extremely awkward as I had predicted. Neither of us spoke a word to each other. As soon as we both arrived at the place, Will was the first to greet me.

Guess this won't be such a bad day— nevermind, shit.

  I saw Freddie taking pictures of me from afar and I gave her the finger. She was shocked and stopped taking pictures.

I was led into an interrogation room and Jack was the first to question me. Will was at his side which made me less nervous. And so, the questions began...

"Talk me through the events." Jack started m.

I didn't like listening or obeying him but I didn't really have a choice at the moment. It was time for the lies. I didn't want to tell them everything that happened because it felt like deja vu too much. Thanks to Bill.

"Skipping the whole going to the museum and down the elevator thing I found myself trapped in the elevator with the man." I started, "I tried attacking him but he beat me up a bit before I lost consciousness."

"And then?"

"Not much," I continued, "I woke up and found that I was tied up on the floor. Broken glass was nearby and so I cut the ropes and fled. Not turning back."

Jack looked disappointed with the lack of information and Will stared at me in disbelief. I had lived with Will for too long to know that he could spot a lie from me.

"So you mean to tell me you didn't even try to remember where you were held captive?!" Jack raised his voice and my heart skipped a beat.

Jack was becoming aggressive. Getting mad at me for not doing something correctly... just like Bill would. Forget Bill, who does Jack think he is to boss me around like this?!

"Calm down, Jack." Will put a hand on his shoulder but he shook it off.

"I will not calm down!" He was now shouting, "people are dying! She would've been the key to solving the puzzle!"

I hated the shouting and yelling. I was so close to telling the truth but didn't want to let Hannibal down, even if that meant getting a panic attack.

"But no! She fled! Like a fuckin' coward!" Jack continued to rant.

My panic attack was slowly coming. Will now noticing. I held onto the chair to ground myself, ignoring Jack now and trying to compose my breathing and heart rate.

"Now look what you did!" Will said angrily, "she's having a panic attack because of you."

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