Chapter 5 - The Attack

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I woke up a little confused. Now lying on my back, there were two voices somewhere below me on the first floor. All I could see while looking up were books. Books, books and more books. Although it was a lovely sight to see, the voices clouded my mind.

"They found me," I heard a man say. 

  I didn't recognize the voice and so I quietly rolled onto my stomach and peeked over the second floor. I saw a man with blood on the side of his face, his ear was shot, and his shirt was slightly bloody.

"You lead them to me!" He yelled.

"Lower your voice," A familiar voice said, it was Hannibal.

The men spoke a little more before they suddenly started attacking each other. I didn't make any noise as I watched the fight take place. Hannibal had the upper hand due to his strength. But his skilled way of fighting took me by surprise. I saw two swords hanging on the wall, I took them off the wall and made my way down the ladder. Hopefully I wasn't doing something stupid, though knowing me it probably was.

   They were both still fighting. Once I was down the ladder, I cautiously made my way over to the stranger. I was now behind him, as quickly as I could I swung the sword at the attacker's side. He was choking Hannibal until I barely sliced him, he gasped in pain and pushed Hannibal to the floor. The attacker turned around to me while gripping his bloody side, blood dripping onto the floor.

"Who the hell are you?" He snarled.

He weakly pounced towards me, knocking me to the floor as he landed on top of me. My sword stabbed straight through the man as he coughed blood onto my face. Gross. I could see the other end of the sword sticking out of his back. I pushed the man off of me, watching his blood paint the floor. You were breathing quickly, but not in fear. Surprisingly, this was the first man I had ever killed. I was in too much shock and adrenaline to feel anything else. I kept my eyes to the ceiling as I caught my breath, the man's dead body beside me.

I finally looked down at my clothes and saw they were soiled with blood, good luck explaining that to Will. I saw Hannibal limping towards me.

"Who... who was that?!" I exclaimed.

"That was a failed patient," He groaned in pain.

Hannibal phoned a man called Jack Crawford over, along with Will. Will was a little frantic hearing what happened over the phone.

Before I knew it, the whole room was filled with the FBI and other people. I was sitting on the chair outside of the office. A brunette lady walked out of Hannibal's office and then towards me.

"Hi, I'm Alana Bloom," The lady said, "I work for the FBI."

"(Y/n)," I told her as I shook her hand.

"How are you doing?" Alana asked as she sat in the chair next to me.

"I'm a little shocked."

Will walked over to me before Alana could ask anything else. I stood up and knew he was going to ask if I was ready to leave. I saw a red line on Will's neck. Will knew what I was staring at and told me what happened.

"May I?" I motioned to his neck, Will nodded and then I traced my fingers along the scar. It looked painful. Hannibal was watching from afar. Once I touched Will he made his way over to us.

"(Y/n), I hope this doesn't ruin our future sessions... if you are still willing to have them," Hannibal said as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Not at all."

Will, being protective, put his arm around my back and guided me out the door after we said our goodbyes.


Now we were back at Will's house, me playing with the dogs outside. Will was making dinner. Will called me in for dinner. Conversation during dinner was mostly about what happened earlier that day. I told him everything.

"That was pretty brave of you," Will said once was I done talking, "tell me, (y/n), do you find him suspicious?"

I wasn't surprised by his question. It was always awkward whenever Will and Hannibal were in the same room.

"A little," Will was happy with my answer.

"What did you two talk about?" Will asked.

"You do know that's confidential, right?"


    Two weeks went by as I lived with Will and did two therapy sessions a week with Hannibal. Everything was normal until I noticed that Hannibal started acting slightly different towards me after my second week of sessions with him. He seemed more interested in me, asking questions that wouldn't relate to our actual topic of getting-better-stuff and it caught me off guard.

I was leaving the house with Will to go to Hannibal's office again. Once I was there Hannibal started discussing how I felt about me killing his 'failed patient'.

"It hasn't really bothered me," I answered him, "I think in that moment I imagined that it was Bill, which made it easier."

Hannibal wrote notes down again. He looked back up to me, his eyes lingering on my body for more than a second before he returned my gaze, not wanting to make me uncomfortable. Too late, buddy.

"Anything else you would like to discuss?" Hannibal asked you, "Perhaps more on this Bill character?"

There was a knock at the door. Hannibal placed his notebook and pen on the coffee table in between him and I, he then walked to the door.

I grabbed his notebook and flipped the pages to see the notes about me. It was risky and stupid, but I had to do it. I was surprised to see that he drew a realistic drawing of me. It was impressive. My face immediately heated up as I put the notebook down. How long had he been feeling this way towards me?

Will is not going to be happy about this... I thought. Will was like an older brother to me now. He would surely stop the sessions with Hannibal if he knew that Hannibal was interested in me not just as a patient. I looked at my phone and saw that it was time to leave, the session was over, and Will would be arriving any minute now to pick me up. I didn't have a license because I was taken so I couldn't drive legally.

Hello my little froggies 🐸
Words: 1,111 
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