{XV} • Christmas Tree

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(Sorry for not uploading so often. I'll try to post as often I can, but the writing has been slowed down since school begun. Anyways, I hope you're still enjoying this story! Enjoy!)

"That man that just bumped up to me? He's the taxi driver from earlier..."

"You're probably just confused." Jungkook said. I looked down and thought. Was it all just imagined? We took Yeontan back to the house after a good 20 minutes. I released Yeontan from his leash. "Why do you think that's the same man?" Jungkook asked after entering the house and closing the door after him. "It's just that, that guy, he looked soo alike with the taxi driver. Not even twins can be THAT identical!" I say. "Just let it go, it's fine." Jungkook said. I sighed and nodded. "Come we need to pick up the tree." Jungkook said. I gave Yeontan a quick kiss on his head and follow Jungkook to his car. Jungkook drove to a garden center. He bought the tree. It was 2 and a half meters long.

"Jungkook, this tree is nice and all, but how do you think we'll take it home?" I ask.
"In the car, come on help!" Jungkook said. I took the top of the tree while Jungkook took the trunk. We tried to put it on the back seat. It didn't fit. The doors couldn't close. We caught our breaths for a few seconds and then tried to put the tree in the trunk, which also didn't work. "God! What now?!" Jungkook asked a bit angry. An idea popped up to me. We put the trunk of the tree onto the back seat and the tree was supposed to be in between Jungkook and me. It worked. We sat down, practically drowning in branches of the tree. Jungkook drove home and we got the tree into the living room.

Yeontan didn't understand what was going on as he watched Jungkook setting the tree up. "Tae, the room next to mine, there are a few boxes in there. They are labelled with 'Xmas Decorations.' Take those and bring them down please." Jungkook said. I nodded and went upstairs. I opened the door and found a small room full of boxes. I sighed and started digging. I searched for the box. I stood on my toes and tried looking at the box on top of the tower. The box slipped off of the one underneath it and the whole tower fell on top of me. I hit the floor pretty hard as a smack was heard. "Taehyung?!" I hear. I try to get up but fail because of the heavy boxes. "Help!" I say while panicking a bit. I heard Jungkook running up the stairs. He tilted some boxes off of me and helped me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded while rubbing my thigh. "Let's get those stupid boxes" I hiss. Jungkook chuckled. "You're cute." He said while pecking my head. He walked into the room with me and started rearranging the boxes. I walked to a box of which a few photo albums had fallen out. I took one of the albums and a photo fell out. I placed the book into the box again and took the photo. It was a family photo. I started looking for a baby Jungkook. He was standing next to a woman and man. Probably his parents. I smiled at how cute he was. Next to his father, stood mine. I looked better and saw my mom. "What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked while curiously sitting down on the ground next to me. I gave him the picture. "There's you, your parents and my parents." I say.

Jungkook looked at the photo and smiled. "My parents were very good friends with yours. I can remember my dad and your dad drinking together at this party. It was my dad's 50th birthday." Jungkook said. I smiled. "How old were you?" Jungkook thought. "I think on the edge of 10." He said. "You were so adorable!" I exclaimed. "Were? Am I not cute anymore?" Jungkook asked with puppy eyes. I chuckled. "Of course you still are!" I say and kiss him on his lips. I melted into the kiss as Jungkook bit my bottom lip. A sound left my mouth and Jungkook used that opportunity to enter my mouth. His tongue exploring my cavern as I felt him smirk. Jungkook leaned forward making me roll backwards on the ground with him on top of me. The kiss was endless and I absolutely loved it. Jungkook did a push-up and looked at me while catching his breath. I panted as I looked into his eyes. His pupils were huge. I smiled, and so did Jungkook. He let himself down, pecked me once more on my lips and then stood up.

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