{XVI} • Sleepover Party

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(Hey guys! It's me again! I wanted to ask you if you're still enjoying the story? Could you please comment any idea's? I'd like to hear them out and I'll try to use them in my story! :) that's it! Enjoy!)

"If I catch you going anywhere I'll give you a big punishment!" Jungkook said as he parked in front of Jimin's house. "I know, I know! We'll see about that." I say. Jungkook pulled me in for a kiss. "Hey I mean it! Don't do stupid stuff Taehyung!" Jungkook said softly after we broke apart. I rolled my eyes and nodded. We got out and Jungkook helped with the luggage. I rang the doorbell. Jimin's mom opened the door. "Taehyung! Come in!" She said warmly. I smiled widely at her kindness. Jungkook gave me my bag and I walked into the house. Jimin ran down the stairs. "Hey Tae!" He said. "Hey!" I say. He takes my bag and walks up the stairs again.

I had been to Jimin's multiple times. I let myself fall on his bed. "So when are we going?" I ask. Jimin let himself fall next to me. "After diner. I told my parents, they're fine with it!" Jimin answered. I smiled. "If we don't watch out, Jungkook will kill us both!" I say. Jimin smirked. "I bet he won't! He's your boyfriend, don't you think he'll give you something way better?" Jimin said while giving me a mysterious smile. I laugh. "No! We're taking things slow! I guess." I say.


"This is some really good pasta, mrs. Park." I say. Jimin's mom smiled. "So how long have you been living with Jungkook now?" Jimin's father asked. "For about 4 or 5 months I think?" I say. Jimin's father nodded. I ate the last pasta of my plate. Jimin and I brought our plates to the sink and we got upstairs again. "I'm so full!" I say. My eye fell on something. "Jimin!? You got a playstation?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah! I got it from my parents." He said while turning it on. We played Overwatch.


Jimin and I left his house. We got into his car and Jimin drove us downtown. Jimin parked and we got into the club. There was loud music, people dancing and alcohol. The place was very crowded. Jimin and I walked to the bar. "6 shots please." Jimin said. I looked with wide eyes. "6?!" I ask. Jimin grinned. He took the glasses and sat down behind a table. I followed him. "Salt, shot, lemon." Jimin said while doing it first. His expression changed by the sourness of the lemon. I did the same. Salt, shot, lemon. "Oh god, that's sour!" I say while coughing. Jimin laughed. When I had gotten back to my normal breathing rhythm, we took another shot. I looked at Jimin as he gulped down another drink. Jimin looked at me, but something caught his eye. His eyes were shocked.

"Lie down!" He hissed while pushing me down. "What's wrong?!" I whisper. "It's Jungkook!" Jimin said while pointing. I saw Jungkook walking up to the bar. He ordered a drink. Jimin and I quickly slipped behind a pool table. A pair of men gave us glares as if we were lunatic. "Shh!!" I said as I brought my finger to my mouth. Jimin put his hands together and silently begged. The man scoffed and continued the game. I swear! That man was so familiar! I just didn't knew from what.

Jungkook sat down next to a man and he started talking. "Come on! This is our chance!" Jimin said and we ran out of the club. "Shit, man!" I say. "It looks like the universe doesn't want us to get drunk." Jimin said. I grinned. "So what now?" I ask. Jimin sat down in his car and so did I. "I guess we're going home to sleep." He said in a sad voice. "Okay.." I answered. Jimin laughed. "No of course we're not! We're not gonna let Jungkook ruin your birthday!" Jimin said. I looked at him. "What are we going to do then?" I ask.

And that's how we ended up going to the store and buying lots of candy and snacks. Jimin dumped some face masks and beer into the shopping cart and he payed everything off. We got back to his house and we quietly went up to his room. "I know this isn't what we planned, but we're gonna be up all night to do fun stuff! So to begin with, what movie do you want to watch?" Jimin asked. I thought. "There's this movie called 'Gift', I'd really like to see it!" I say. Jimin raised his eyebrow. "What's it about?" He asked.

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