{V} • The Secret Plan

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Jungkook was calling me...

The 'real' Jungkook gave me my phone. "Quickly, accept and act like you still believe that this is me." He said. I took the phone and accepted the call.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Taehyung-ya! Where are you?!" I heard. The intruder had changed his voice to Jungkook's. It was really impressive. If Jungkook wasn't standing next to me right now, I would've believed this guy.

"I got home." I say

"Why?! I told you to come to the car!" The man seems to sigh. "Look, Taehyung. I have important stuff to do and it will probably last 'till late." I see that Jungkook's mouth dropped and he looked angry. "I want you to come to the place I will sent you the address of. Be there at 20:30 exactly." The man said and then hung up.

"That bastard! How did he knew I was working 'till late?!" Jungkook yelled. I looked at him. "Why are you here then?" I ask. "Because we finished it early." Jungkook explained. He turned his back to me to mix the soup a bit. "I got a location!" I say while receiving the message. "Screenshot it! Just in case he deletes it!" Jungkook says immediately. I do as he says and look at the address. "It seems that he wants me to come to this Karaoke bar: Byeolmuli." I say as I look to Google maps. Jungkook, who had just put the soup in bowls, looked over my shoulder. "There? That's an alley. They're planning on something." He said and then sat down at the table. I also sat down and started to eat my soup.

"Well are you going?" I ask. "No, we are going. I'm taking you with me. That's the only way we can get them into a trap." Jungkook said. "Wait, you're using me as bait?" I ask. "Technically, yes. But nothing will happen. I'm taking some of my men. And about getting hurt, what's with that collarbone of yours?" Jungkook asked. Anger took over. "Do not change the subject, Jungkook! If it isn't bad enough to be captured here, I also have to play bait?! You're unbelievable!" I say angrily. "Listen, this is one of the few opportunities we have ever gotten to get that punk into jail! You're going to cooperate, if you don't I'll come up with a good punishment." Jungkook said. His face is serious.

I gulp. I don't know if he's serious about the punishment, but I don't want to find out. I just nod angrily and get back to my soup. "So, do you think your collarbone is broken?" Jungkook asked. Oh I'll take my revenge now. "That's none of your business." I say while not even looking up. "Excuse you?!" Jungkook asked. I look up. "You heard me." I say while coldly looking at him. Jungkook's face shows anger and annoyance. "That's it! Get out of my sight!" He said. "I'll gladly do so." I hiss while leaving. When I get to my room I slam the door shut.


I hear two knocks in the door. "Taehyung, Suga and the others are on their way. Go change into a black outfit." Jungkook says. I sigh. I do as he says and get downstairs. I feel like a demon or a shadow. The outfit is simply too black. Just as I'm walking down the stairs, I hear the doorbell. Jungkook opens the door while I get on the ground floor. 4 guys came in. I recognised 2 of them. Namjoon and Jin. "Guys, this is Taehyung." Jungkook said. All of the eyes were on me. Then they all of them started introducing themselves.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok. I'm in charge of the weapons."

"I'm Yoonqi. I do the hacking here."

"Hi we've already met, I'm Namjoon."

"Guys make your.." Jungkook got interrupted by another man that ran into the house. "I'm sorry I'm late!" He panted. And then his face showed.

"Jimin-hyung?" I ask. Jimin looks from me to Jungkook and back to me. "Taehyung?! What are you doing here? You know this isn't a bed and breakfast, right?" Jimin asked. I grin. "No, of course I know that. But that's another story." I say. "Guys, make yourself at home while Suga, Taehyung and I clear up some issues." Jungkook said. The other 4 guys left to the living room, while Yoongi, Jungkook and I walk upstairs. I follow them to Jungkook's room. Yoongi sits down behind the desk and starts the computer. There's an awkward silence in the room.

"So, you introduced yourself as Yoongi, but why does Jungkook-shi call you Suga?" I ask. Yoongi turns to face me. "The guys you just met, we are a team. And on missions we have our codenames. So mine is Suga. Jungkook's is JK, Namjoon is RM, Hoseok is J-Hope and Jimin doesn't have one." He explains. Right at that moment the computer turned on and Suga started opening this hacking program. He extended his hand and I gave him my phone. He did some technical ticking on the keyboard and after a few minutes of silence, he turned again. "Your phone was hacked. Mainly Jungkook's phone number. I will delete that one and put Jungkook's number in your contact list again. I'll also add a little program that won't allow viruses to get into your phone. Suga said. "Thanks Suga." I say. Suga smiled and turned back to the computer. After only 6 minutes he was done. He gave me my phone back and we all walked back to the rest.


While Jin was driving through Seoul, I was sitting in the back trying to memorise the plan. Basically it said that I had to act as if I was going to meet Jungkook. Walk into the alley and play along with the guy. I was playing with my fingers while biting my lip. I felt nervous. Jungkook, who was sitting next to me, put his hand on my thigh. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." He said. I just nod. At that moment Jin stopped the car. "Taehyung-ah, if you walk up this street you'll see an alley. The first one you see is the one you need." He said. "Okay. I'll see you guys then?" I say. They all nod. I get out of the car and start walking. Jungkook had luck that my speciality was acting. I was taking classes at school. I walked into the alley and saw a dark figure standing against the wall.

I scrape my throat. "Jungkook-shi?" I ask. The figure stands up. "Taehyung-ah! You're here! Great! Let's go inside!" The man said. He took me by my shoulder. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Just follow me." He said. He took me inside the karaoke bar and walked to a room. I don't know why I even agreed to do this. Oh yeah! Because I didn't!!! Jungkook may lick my ass next time he wants something of me! The man throws me at the floor. I wince of pain from my collarbone. I quickly get up as another man entered the room. He looked young and had a bit of dominance showing from his eyes. Just like Jungkook. "Sir, as you requested." The man that threw me at the ground said. The other man smirked. "Just give us some alone-time." He said.

"If it isn't Kim Taehyung, the captive of the maffia boss of the South." The man said. "What do you want?" I ask. The guy looked up and down my body while licking his lips. That action made clear what he wanted! He stood up and walked up to me. Fear took over as the ideas spread of what he would do to me. As soon as the guy was less than a meter away from me, I punched him in the face. He got up quicker than expected and returned the punch. I grab to my face as he grabbed my shirt and swung me to the floor. He punched me again and then took me by the collar of my shirt. He pushed me against the wall. "Jungkook may let you do this to him, but I won't. You'll be mine. And I'm ready to break you to get what I..." he got interrupted by the door that was getting kicked in by RM and J-Hope. They pointed their guns at the guy. Jimin and Suga appeared behind us, while also pointing their guns at the guy.

Then Jungkook entered the room. He had his hands in his pockets and his chin up. With a little smirk on his face he walked up to the guy. "Jaeyong. What a not pleasure to see you! Hey, why's your nose bleeding?" Jungkook asked. Jaeyong grabbed to his nose. "It isn't blee.." he got punched by Jungkook. "Yeah you better keep your hands on your own captives! If you mind, I'll take mine now." Jungkook said. He took my wrist and wanted to get out, but the room was filling up with Jaeyong's men. Jungkook also grabbed his gun and pointed at them. His face was cold as ice. It was a bit scary. Someone started the fight. A loud bang was heard. And it was followed by more and more bangs. Jungkook moved in front of me and started shooting. He took me to the entrance of the room and we got out.

Jungkook put his hand on my cheek. "Are you okay? What happend? You're shaking." He said. I just realised I was shaking. "I'm fine." I say while panting. Jungkook and I locked eyes for a moment. And then, he leaned in. His lips touched mine. We kissed. I answered the kiss, although I didn't knew why. Go with the flow! Am I right? At once the door opened. Jungkook stepped back as quick as possible. One of Jaeyong's men came out. Jungkook grabbed his gun and shot the guy in his leg. The guy fell on the floor while whimpering in pain. "Stay here!" Jungkook demanded while running into the room. I walked to the entrance and looked inside.

There was a big fight going on. J-hope and RM were side by side fighting against three of Jaeyong's men. Suga was pointing a gun at the man he had on the floor beneath him. And Jimin was punching a guy. There were several bodies on the floor. Some alive and some dead. At once My eye fell on Jaeyong and Jungkook. Jaeyong hovered Jungkook. He had a knife in his hands. He rose his arm, ready to stab Jungkook through the heart. And then...

it happened...

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