{IV} • The Phone

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I looked at Jungkook. Frightened of what the words meant. Jungkook opened a drawer and took two pans. He gave one to me. "Pans?! Seriously?!" I whisper. "All my other weapons are upstairs!" Jungkook whispered back. At once we heard something upstairs. Like someone just bumped into to a door or something. 

Jungkook immediately went into action and started walking up the stairs. I followed him and stayed close to him. We walked to where we thought we heard the sound. And that was my room. We entered the dark room. I saw a black figure. He was holding a knife and had his back towards us. Jungkook touched my shoulder slightly to tell me to stay here. I nodded obediently.

Jungkook stepped forward, but the wooden board creaked. The figure turned as fast as light and started attacking Jungkook. Jungkook defended himself with the pan he was holding, but even I knew that couldn't last long. I sneaked against the wall towards the intruder. I was standing behind him. I had luck that he was so concentrated in the fight that he didn't even notice me. I took the pan and slammed him to his shins. The intruder fell on the ground with a bump and groaned of pain.

Jungkook took the intruders hands and held them against his back. "Taehyung-ah, quickly, give me a scarf or something!" Jungkook yelled. I ran across the room to the walk-in closet. I took the tie from the grey suit and gave it to Jungkook, who tied the intruders hands with it. 

I turned the light on. The face of the intruder was unknown to me, but it wasn't for Jungkook, based on his facial expressions.

"Taehyung, go to sleep, you are going to school tomorrow." Jungkook said while pulling the intruder to his feet. I ignored him and noticed something odd. My phone, which I had left on the night-stand to charge, was on the ground. I walked to the phone and took it with me as I followed Jungkook downstairs. 

Jungkook let the intruder sit on the floor. He took his phone and called someone named Namjoon. "Taehyung, I said go to sleep." Jungkook repeated, when he had hung up. "I am not a child and a thank you would be nice." I say. 

"Some respect would be nice." Jungkook said. I kept looking at him. I went to the kitchen and drank some water. My mouth had become dry because of the nervousness. At that moment the doorbell rang.

Jungkook opened the door and a few men came in. Two guards took the intruder and walked him outside, while Jungkook talked to the man that I think Namjoon was. I heard Jungkook telling Namjoon what happened. I walked up to them. "Namjoon-hyung, this is Taehyung." Jungkook said. I bowed and greeted him. Namjoon also introduced himself. 

"I let my phone charge on my night-stand but when we had beaten the intruder up, it was on the floor. I think he may have done something with it." I say. Jungkook and Namjoon look at each other. Jungkook seemed to think. 

"Let Suga come tomorrow." He said to Namjoon, who nodded at this request. We said our goodbyes as Namjoon left. Jungkook and I left to our rooms without even saying goodbye. 

Why would we?


"Taehyung-ah, wake up!" I hear from the corridor. I open my eyes slowly, not in the mood for waking up or even moving. "What?!" I yell back. "Breakfast is ready, get downstairs!" I sighed and get out of bed with a great amount of reluctance. I walked down the stairs and sit down in opposite of Jungkook. Both of us don't say anything. I slowly eat my breakfast. 

"So, I looked to your schedule. Jin will pick you up from school." Jungkook said. I nodded in silence. When we both finished our meal, I got upstairs and took a shower. I blowdried my hair and changed into a baby blue v-line sweater and black jeans. I got my phone and went downstairs, where Jungkook waited for me with his car keys in his hand.

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