{XIX} • Plan Alpha

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Third P.O.V:

"When are you planning on telling plan Alpha to Taehyung?" Namjoon asked. "Not yet." Jungkook said.
"I said, not yet! He's not ready and not emotionally stable for that."

"You should know, you should start planning on it...before it's too late."

Taehyung's P.O.V:

I got downstairs after I woke up. Saturday. Today is Saturday! The only day when Jungkook doesn't go to work. Even though it's vacation. I made two sandwiches, and ate one. I was giving Yeontan food, when Jungkook came walked down the stairs.

"I made a sandwich for you." I said. "Thanks!" Jungkook responded. I was looking through social media as Jungkook called me. I walked to the kitchen and saw Jungkook sitting there with some stuff on the table. "I want to talk about something serious." He said. I sat down.

"Tae, listen. There's this possibility I might die one day." Jungkook said. I shook my head. "You won't." I say. "I know, but we need to go through these instructions. You need to be prepared." He explained. I just nodded once.

"Once I'm dead, you will get an immediate text from an unknown number. It will say: 'plan Alpha started' it will mean that I'm absolutely sure dead. There are two options. Either you become a mafia boss or you flee your whole life." Jungkook said. "Wait! Why do I need to become a mafia boss?" I ask.

"It was my choice. I had to choose who'd make the perfect mafia boss. Who'd get all my money, this house, the position and the fame. You're the one I trust the most. And although, I don't want you to, it's my only choice." Jungkook explained. "Wait. No. Why me? Why not one of the team members?" I ask.

"They know me very well and stuff, but they all aren't made for this."

"Not even Namjoon?" I ask desperately. Jungkook shook his head. "He's been my right hand all these years. I had a choice between you and Namjoon. If Namjoon would be the boss, who'd be his right hand? Not you, you're still too unskilled. If you become the boss, you'll have an experienced and skilled right hand. You can trust Namjoon."

I looked down at the table while going through my hair. "We need to move on." Jungkook said after 5 seconds. I looked up again. "When you get the message, you'll probably need to go as far away from this house. It will be unsafe." He said and then gave me a map. I unfolded it and saw that he had marked on it. "The red circles are my houses. You'll be safe in them. The yellow dots are the businesses I own. They'll all belong to you. Namjoon will teach you how to own them."

I sighed. "Put the map in here." Jungkook said while giving me a sports bag. I looked inside of it. There was a lot of money and a creditcard. I put the map inside of it. "Lastly." Jungkook said while giving me a paper. "Code language. Standard Galactic Alphabet. Only the team and I know it. You can google it. On this paper are the codes of everything. Of my bank account and my vault. In there are the papers of the businesses." Jungkook explained. I nodded and put the paper into the bag.

"So what do you propose? Flee or become a mafia boss?" I ask. "Both." Jungkook said. I nodded. "I'm sorry to bomb you with this." He said. "It's okay. I get it."

"I've got you something because tomorrow is your birthday." Jungkook said. He stood a bracelet out of his pocket. It was made of silver and it had two rings connected to each other. I smiled. "You really didn't have to do this." I say. "Oh yes I did." Jungkook smirked and put the bracelet on my left hand. I felt myself blushing.

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