{XXVII} • Sick

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I got pulled into a room. Sungho closed and locked the door with a smirk while Jonghyun pushed me to the centre of the room.

"Speak up." He said. I gave him a confused gaze. "Speak up about what?" I ask. "About that information about Hangseon! Did you forget?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "I told you, I don't have a lot of time." I say. "And I told you to make time, now do you have that info or not?" He asked.

"No." I say and immediately get a slap across my cheek. Another kick in my stomach followed. I fell on my knees from pain. Sungho took a fistful of my hair and pushed my head to the ground. I got kicked again and again. "Stop!" I cried out. My eyes started to tear up.

Jonghyun took my hair and pushed me against the wall. "I gave you three chances, you idiot!" He said. "Why? Why must you bully me?" I asked. I was angry, sad and over all ashamed. My body hurt. I wanted to go home.

"Because, Taehyung, you're the victim. You're the victim in the game and in real life. You became the victim because of Jungkook. You have always been the victim. When are you going to accept that?" Jonghyun coldly said. I looked down as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Jonghyun signed Sungho. Sungho started grabbing something and returned. "I told you, if you don't do as I say, you'll regret it?" He asked. I did not respond.

Jonghyun held a glass in front of me. "Drink." He ordered. I looked up into his eyes. He didn't show any emotion. Sungho stood behind me and took my arms. I tried to get out of his grip, but he just squeezed his nails into my skin.

I turned my head away from Jonghyun, who was bringing the glass closer to me. "What is that?" I ask. "You'll find out." Jonghyun said while taking my jaw. He kind of opened my mouth by pressing in between my two jaws with his fingers. He brought the glass to my lips and slowly poured it into my mouth. Another tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't swallow. I wasn't crazy.

I started coughing and coughed the liquid out of my mouth. I panted as Jonghyun sighed. He took his phone. "You know, I thought you were a good boy. Getting beaten up and then drinking this. I guess I'll have to show you this then." He said. He showed me a picture of me and Jungkook kissing in the car. My eyes widen.

Jonghyun swiped his screen and showed a picture of Jungkook kissing me just before the trip. "I have more pictures and even proof that the man you're kissing is Jungkook. If you don't want me to post this online, then drink." He said. I shivered.

Jonghyun took the glass again and brought it to my lips again. I tried to get out of Sungho's grip, but with no succes. I drank the clear liquid. It wasn't alcohol. I didn't know the taste. The glass was big and I had to take a break in between. When I had drunk everything out of the glass, Jonghyun stood up and Sungho released me.

"Good boy." Jonghyun said. I wiped my mouth as I started to feel lightheaded. "May I go now?" I asked weakly. Jonghyun signed to the door. I got up and stumbled to the door.

I got back to Jimin and my room. "Hey Taehyung!" Jimin greeted. I smiled weakly and changed into pyjama's. I immediately went ti bed without saying anything else.

I didn't understand. Why did I had to drink that? What was it? I was afraid. I was shivering and I couldn't stop shivering. I wasn't cold. I eventually fell asleep.


"Tae, wake up." Jimin said. I groaned. I had never felt this miserable before. I had a headache, stomachache and I felt dizzy. I'd rather had Jungkook wake me up. Jungkook waked me up slowly and Jimin just yelled across the room.

I slowly stood up and start dressing. "Tae, are you feeling okay? You seem very sick." Jimin said. "No, I'm fine." I say and quickly turn away. We went to breakfast and we both took a tray. "Taehyung you're sick." Jimin said. I sighed.

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