{LII} • "Stay with me"

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Jungkook's P.O.V:

"Stay with me!" I cried while banging on the van. The van started moving with Taehyung in it. I got ready to run after the van, but two arms prevented me from doing that.

"No! Let me go!" I shouted with tears non stop rolling down my face. "Come on, nephew. I won. There's no way you could chase that van." Hangseon scoffed. I cried even harder, my sobs filling the air.

I turned around and started hitting Hangseon, trying to make him release me. I was weak. I had become weak because of the shock and the crying. My hits were like playful pushes to Hangseon.

"That's enough for the fun, you're coming with me now." Hangseon said. I resisted and was close to the success of escaping, when Hangseon slapped me across my cheek.

"Get yourself together, Jungkook." He scolded and pulled me with him. I resisted less and gave in. Hangseon led me to his car while I massaged my wet cheek.

Hangseon made me sit down in his car. He started the engine while I watched my, in Taehyung's blood covered, hands. They had Taehyung's blood on it. Literally and figuratively. If I kept him at home, this would've never happened.

I tried resisting against the urge to start crying again, but it made me only having pain in my throat. I silently sniffled while tears fell from my eyes on my pants. I eventually looked up and saw that Hangseon was driving on a highway.

"Where are we going?" I heard myself ask hoarsely. Hangseon looked at me as if he just realised I was sitting next to him in the car. "Nothing to your business." He answered and parked at the nearest gas station. As soon as the car stopped, I got out and started running.

"Jungkook, son of a..." I heard Hangseon shout. I ran next to the road, back to Seoul. I couldn't return home, Hangseon would search for me there.

I shoved my hands in my pockets expecting to find my phone, but my eyes widened by the realisation I had left it at home. I saw Hangseon's car in front of me and pulling over on the emergency lane of the highway.

"He's out of his mind." I mumble and turn around. Before I could run away, Hangseon had taken my wrist and harshly pulled me with him.

He pushed me into the car and locked the door of my seat. I sighed. Hangseon got in again. "Seatbelt, you nightmare child." Hangseon growled. I did as he told and looked at him. "Why did you stab him?" I ask weakly.

Hangseon ignored me and started the engine again. I looked out of the window. "Before we leave..." Hangseon started. I look at him and see him taking out an injection. My eyes widen. "No! Stop! Don't!" I yell and press myself against the door.

I desperately try the door, but it was still locked. Hangseon took the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer to him. My hand closed around his wrist as he injected the fluid into the artery in my neck.

"Sweet dreams, Jungkook." He grinned. I immediately felt myself weaken even more and I eventually close my heavy eyelids.


I woke up feeling hungry and dizzy. I woke up in a small room with only a bed, a table and a set of two chairs and a small bathroom attached. It took a while before the drug finally stopped working on my body and I stood up. I walked around. There was a small window at the height of one feet above my head.

The door opened and I immediately turned around, facing Jinhan. "Look who's finally awake." He said. I clenched my jaw. "Where am I?" I ask. "Let's say, you're going to be here for a short period of time." He said. He put the tray with food and water on the table.

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