{XIII} • Suspicious

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"Have you found more information about that guy?" Jungkook asked while testing my knowledge on fighting. Jungkook was attacking me with a staff and I was dodging and protected myself with a staff. "He's in my class. He's new at school. His name is Sungho and he has this weird vibe." I said while punching away Jungkook's staff and attacking him from the right. Jungkook's staff stopped mine from hitting his body. "Sungho...." Jungkook murmured. I quickly attacked Jungkook from the left side, but he stopped it the same way as before. Jungkook moved forward and hit my collarbone with his stick. I lost balance and fell on the floor. I grabbed to my collarbone as the pain started coming up. Jungkook startled and kneeled down next to me. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were gonna dodge. Does it hurt? Do we need to see a doctor?" Jungkook asked worriedly. I chuckle through the pain. "No, it's okay." I say while standing up. Jungkook helped by pulling me up by my arm. "Let's continue." I say. Jungkook gave me a worried look. "You sure? Do you want to take a break?" He asked. I shook my head. I grabbed my stick off of the floor. I wanted to master this. I wanted to be able to protect myself against Jonghyun and Jaeyong. I started attacking Jungkook. He was quick in dodging and attacked whenever there was a gap in my movements. I knew how to stop those attacks or how to dodge them. Jungkook noticed I had sped up my defence and attacks and he started doing the same. Although I didn't wanted to admit it, this was a bit too hard. I didn't even had time to attack by myself, which caused me to only dodge at Jungkook's attacks and slowly walk backwards.

When my back met the wall, Jungkook lifted his staff above his head and charged. I could just avoid by moving my own staff horizontally in front of me. Jungkook's staff hit mine and we looked into each others eyes for a moment as we panted. Jungkook slowly moved closer and we kissed. Not like first time. Jungkook's tongue wanted to enter my mouth and I gave him access. His tongue started playing with mine as I put my arms around his neck, while still holding the staff, and try to get him closer to me. Being with Jungkook was feeling safe. It felt secure and I didn't want to let that go away. I eventually broke the kiss and retreat my arms. I look down and feel my cheeks getting hot. "Are we official now?" I ask shyly. Jungkook lifted my chin so that he could look into my eyes.

He moved closer to my ear and whispered: "Kim Taehyung, will you be my boyfriend?" I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Yes." I stated. Jungkook smiled widely and so did I. He leaned in for another kiss and I melted into the moment. I could kiss him forever. Kissing Jungkook was like an addiction I never knew I had. We Broke apart and we put away our staffs and made our way to Jungkook's car. "Tomorrow we'll put up the Christmas tree." Jungkook said. I smiled. I always enjoyed putting up the Christmas tree. I enjoyed Christmas in general. We got home pretty quick. As soon as I opened the door, Yeontan jumped up to me. I laughed and picked the pup up. "Do you want to come take him out?" I ask. "Sure!" Jungkook replied. I put Yeontan's leash on and we walked out of the house again. We walked around for a bit while talking.

Jungkook made a joke and I laughed. That was the moment that I realised I was whipped for Jungkook. I had the urge to constantly keep kissing him. While Jungkook laughed I looked at his lips. I thought of how eagerly I wanted to kiss those soft lips. He looked at me. I quickly avert my eyes from his lips to his eyes. I swear Jungkook can read my mind! I thought as Jungkook came closer and kissed me. I smiled through the kiss. How did he knew? I melted into the kiss until Yeontan pulled at his leash. We were forced to break the kiss. We laughed as we ran with Yeontan. We played a bit in the cold and then returned home. I gave Yeontan some food and then helped Jungkook make dinner



Jungkook's P.O.V:

I woke up to a lot of yelling. I rubbed my eyes and quickly realise it's Taehyung. I get out of bed and rush over to his room. He was sleep talking. It was clear he had a nightmare. I wake him up. "Tae, sshh." I say. Poor Taehyung was all sweaty and looked really pale. He sat up while he came back to reality. Taehyung calmed down a bit but still looked upset. I felt his forehead. "You don't have a fever. Do you want to talk about your dream?" I asked. He shook his head while patting a worried Yeontan next to him. "Go have some more sleep, you have school tomorrow." I say. Taehyung lied down in bed again and I started to walk away. But Taehyung grabbed my wrist. "Stay." He said. I turned around and stood there for a few seconds. I came back to my senses when Taehyung gave me a gentle pull. I gave in and lied down next to him in bed. Taehyung lied down with his head on my chest. I swung my arms around his upper body. I felt him relaxing in my embrace. I closed my eyes and felt myself slowly fall asleep.

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