{XXXII} • Bad News

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I jumped up and quickly ran downstairs. Did I do something?

I faced Jungkook. His eyes showed anger but mostly worry. "Look." He said. I watched the tv.

It was the news. It was showing camera footage of the fight of Jungkook and Hyunshik. They cut out the part where Hyunshik would throw Jungkook off of the building and replaced it with the part where I had knocked him on the floor.

"The two suspects: Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung are being searched by Daegu police. Be aware."

Photo's of our faces were shown on tv. They used Jeon Jungkook, not Kim Jihun. Everyone in Seoul knew Jeon Jungkook, the mafia boss. And now they knew his face and mine.

I started panicking. Jungkook called Namjoon. "Hyung! Did you see the news?!" He yelled. "I did! Talk to Junghoon." He answered. Jungkook was obviously also panicking. He said okay and hung up, only to text the group chat for an emergency meeting at the office. He also called Jinhan.

It took ten minutes to arrive at the office and gather everyone. I was still in pyjama's, but since everyone was worried, no one really paid attention to it. We were sitting around the meeting table. "We all saw the news." Yoongi said. Jungkook sighed. "Jinhan, what the hell?! Why did the media cut out all the parts and make us look that bad."

Jinhan sat back in his chair and brought his hands behind his head. "We all know the media is corrupt as hell. Why? I don't know. Maybe sensation, maybe Hangseon. We don't know. I can make the news stop, but almost everyone has seen it by now." Jinhan said.

"I can help remove video's online." Yoongi offered. "The best you can do now is to wait." Namjoon said. "What about Taehyung, he needs to go to school tomorrow." Jungkook said. All of the eyes turned on me. I sunk into my chair. Everyone went silent. "Can't he just stay at home?" Jinhan asked. "I'll fail if I do so. And I don't want to stay at home. I'm tired of it." I answer. "Are you willing to go to school while everyone knows about this?" Namjoon asked. I sighed.

"I don't know. I guess. I don't want to miss any classes anymore or fail this year and doing it over." I say. "If you fail, I'll fail on purpose too." Jimin said reassuring while patting my shoulder. I chuckled. "No, we're not going to do that!" I say. I stood up. "You know what? I don't care what everyone thinks. I'm not guilty and Jungkook isn't guilty either. Everyone knows that. And everyone who thinks otherwise, can either accept the fact that they're wrong or leave." I say.

I saw Jungkook's eyes sparkling with pride. "That's settled then." He said. Every turned around to face him. "Since only Taehyung and I are being 'searched' you guys can still work here. Whenever I move around town I can wear a face mask." Jungkook said.

"So what about the Daegu police?" Hoseok asked. "We have a strong connection with them, I'm sure we can fix this. But Jungkook, you need to come to the department and tell everything to Junghoon. I'm your witness. You're not guilty, I'm on your side." Jinhan said. Jungkook smiled. "Thanks." He said.

Jungkook dismissed everyone and we went home again. I buckled my seatbelt while Jungkook started the engine. "When will I start working by the way and won't I always be late for work since I go to school?" I ask.

"No, I also have a manager. Bang Si-hyuk. He works in the morning for me. You'll take over from the afternoon." Jungkook said. I nodded. "You'll start tomorrow after school." He added. I smiled. "Okay! I'm excited!" I say while smiling.

"I'm glad you are." Jungkook said. I smiled. Jungkook had driven home and we got into the house. I let myself fall on the couch and sigh. "You alive?" Jungkook asked while closing the door. I smirk.

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