{XLVIII} • Sword fight

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(Gosh guys!!!! I love this chapter! You're gonna fall in love more with Taekook! Enjoy it! Love y'all!! <3 )

Sungho gave me a poisonous gaze as he walked up to me. "Taehyung, do you think this is smart?" Coach asked. I nodded.

I took a stick and stood in front of Sungho. We bowed and got into position.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Coach said. I immediately attacked. I channelled all of my anger towards Sungho into the fight. It wasn't even a game or match anymore. It was a fight in which one of us needed to be taken down. I was not gonna be that one.

Sungho easily dodged my attacks and started attacking too. I heard some of our classmates whispering. I didn't pay attention to that and continued to try to hit Sungho.

I can't lose this.

I thought too hard for a second. Sungho almost hit me. I quickly moved my stick towards his so that his stick wouldn't hit my head. The action caused me to lose balance and fall on the grass.

I heard everyone gasp. I rolled backwards and managed to stand up again. It caused fascination, but also confusion in Sungho's eyes. I used that moment to hit Sungho's stick out of his hand and hit his ankles, which made him fall. I ended the fight by pointing my stick at his throat.

"Taehyung wins!" Coach called out. Students clapped and cheered, but I didn't move away just yet. I took his hand.

"I told you there were consequences if you play with me." I quoted himself near his ear. I pulled him on his feet. Sungho pushed me and walked away grumpily. I smirked while walking up to Jonghyun and Jimin.

"You were amazing!" Jimin exclaimed. Jonghyun gave me a high five. I passed gym with an A and we returned to the changing rooms. We changed into our original clothes and went to the cafeteria. We ate our lunch and attended the last classes.

Eventually the final bell rung and everyone spread ways. Jonghyun went to his own building, Jimin claimed he needed to go home and I went to detention.

I got into the room and met up with mr. Kim and the janitor. "Your job for today is to mop the ground floor and clean the stairs." Mr. Kim said. The janitor gave me the stuff and I started working.

I sighed. I had only finished three classrooms when the clock hit 4 p.m. I got a call from Jungkook.

"Tae, where are you? I'm in front of the school to pick you up for work." He said.

"I have detention because I was late." I say. "What if you just skip detention?" Jungkook asked. "I'll get more detention."

I heard Jungkook groan. "I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight." He sighed. I smiled but felt sad. I wanted to go out for dinner with Jungkook.

"Well, I don't think I'll be done any time soon so I guess we'll have to go out for dinner another time." I say. "Okay..." Jungkook said. I heard the reluctance in his voice. "I'm sorry, Kook. I should've turned an alarm on. I'll make you pancakes, okay?" I ask.

"Deal." Jungkook said. "Okay, when will you be home?" I ask. "It will be late. I have several meetings." He replied.


"I'll see you later. I lo-..." Jungkook started, but my phone got plucked away from my ear and thrown against the wall by Sungho. The phone, which already had a cracked screen because of it's fall down the stairs, fell into pieces.

"No! Sungho! What the hell?!" I exclaim. I kneel down and take the pieces. "You and I aren't done here. It's because of you I have an E for gym now!" Sungho said poisonously.

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