{XVII} • Horror

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(Oehh!!! This chapter is my pride! Lol!!!! I just finished this awesome other chapter! I can't wait for you guys to read it! I hope you'll enjoy! Don't forget to vote! Bye!)

2 hours before death:


I woke up due to Jungkook moving. He was trying to get out of bed without waking me up. I opened my eyes and sat in bed. "I'm sorry to wake you." Jungkook said with his morning voice. "It's fine." I say and yawn. We walked downstairs. "I'll make some eggs." Jungkook said. "Then I'll take Yeontan out." I say. Jungkook nodded in response. I got upstairs, changed and put Yeontan's harness on. We walked out of the house into the fresh air of the morning.

"Yeontan, did you know I'm going to see dad today?" I say excitedly. Yeontan didn't even bother to look. He just kept on walking. While Yeontan was doing his thing, I looked around. I noticed a man across the street. He wasn't moving. He just stood there and watched us. I raised my hand and waved. The man didn't do anything. I felt awkwardness surrounding me as I quickly pulled Yeontan with me back to the house. I walked into the house and released Yeontan from the leash. Jungkook was putting the eggs onto plates and out them onto the table. I immediately dug in.

1 hours before death:

I took a shower before going to dad. I became more relaxed at the idea of sleeping with Jungkook, so I took a shower in his bathroom. I had swung a towel around my waist and was drying my hair with a blowdryer when Jungkook came in. He had a casual but formal outfit on. "You have your own bathroom, did you knew that?" Jungkook asked while putting toothpaste on his toothbrush. I smiled and turned the blowdryer off as my hair was dry and fluffy. "I know that." I smirked. Jungkook smiled while shaking his head. I left the bathroom and put on a nice outfit.

Jungkook and I got into the car. Jungkook started the engine as excitement rushed through my body. I was enthousiast about the idea of seeing dad again. I had missed him a lot. I couldn't help but smile the whole car ride. Jungkook parked the car a street away from my house. We got out and started walking to my house. We stood there for a moment, watching the front door. "The honour is yours." Jungkook said while grinning. I rang the doorbell.

O hours and 30 minutes before death:

Dad opened the door. "Taehyung!" He said and pulled me into a hug. After we broke apart he stepped away from the door. "Come inside." He said. Jungkook and I went in and I sat down on the sofa. "It's so nice to see you again!" Dad said. I smiled widely. "Indeed." I agree. Dad left the room for a second and returned with a birthday cake. He started singing. I felt my cheeks turn red. I blew out the candles and dad gave us each a slice.

"So how have you and Jungkook been doing?" Dad asked. "Great! Ehm that's what I wanted to say, we're in a relationship." I say slowly. Dad chocked onto his cake and quickly took a sip from his water. "Excuse me?!" Dad asked. I looked at him confusedly. "You two are boyfriends?!" I nod. "Taehyung, you know he's a mafia boss, right?!" Dad asked. "Yes, dad, I know that." I say while slowly nodding.

1 minute before death:

"So dad, there has been a question that I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." I say. Dad looked up. "What did you need 13165,80 won for?" I ask. Dad sighed and put his plate onto the table. "Taehyung..." He started. But at once a shattering glass was being heard. Jungkook pulled me down on the sofa. I looked up to see what was happening but at that moment, I scared the living shit out of me.

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