{XXXVI} • Heartbreak

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(AAAH!!!! This is such a sad chapter! But I love it very much! LOL! I love you guys! Thank you so much for reading this! Sorry for the long wait.

I also want to advice you to follow me on Wattpad or check my conversation posts on my profile. I'll update there when I'll post another chapter and if it'll take a bit longer due to school.

Thanks guys! I won't keep you from reading anymore. I'm ruining the cliffhanger! Enjoy!)

"I'm breaking up with you!" Jungkook said.

"No, no, no, no! Don't, Jungkook! I never meant to kiss Sungho! I didn't want him to! Please don't break up with me! Don't!" I say while the first tears started flowing.

I grabbed Jungkook's wrist and shook my head wildly. "Don't, please. Jungkook." I say. He pulled his hand away from my grip. "Didn't you hear? We're done. Go pack your bags! Go live with your mom!" Jungkook said.

I shook my head again. "No! I don't want to live with my mom, I want to live with you! Don't do this! You're not thinking straight. Please." I say. I take Jungkook's wrist again. "Taehyung, I'm serious! Go pack you bags!" He said. He pulled his wrist out of my hand and used it to point upstairs.

"Stop, Jungkook. You aren't thinking straight. I'm begging you. Don't break up with me. I will share everything with you. I'll cook you dinner every day and when I get my drivers license I'll bring you and pick you up from work every day. Please. Don't break up with me." I say. I break into tears.

"It's already too late. I already broke up with you. Now do as I say and go pack your bags. You're leaving tonight." Jungkook said merciless.

I shook my head again. "No, I want to stay here. Don't do this." I beg once more.

"Did you forget rule one? 'Obey my demands'." Jungkook said. I looked at him with teary eyes. "Are you seriously considering this?" I ask. I looked Jungkook straight into his eyes. "One last time, think once more and deeply. Are you sure you're willing to break up with me?" I ask.

"Yes I am. Now get upstairs and pack your bags. I don't want to see you now." Jungkook said. I looked at him for a few more seconds and then turned around and walked to our room. Once there, I broke into tears again and started crying while packing my bags.

It took a while and I finally got downstairs. I was drying my tears while walking towards Jungkook who was standing next to the front door. I extended my hand and gave him his house keys back. "Take a bus and get home safely." Jungkook said while giving me a bit of money. I saw he still wore the bracelet I got him. It made me even sadder.

I took the money while Jungkook opened the door for me. I kissed Jungkook one last time on his cheek before leaving the house without looking back. While walking to the bus station, I broke into tears again. I was simply heartbroken by Jungkook's words. I already missed him.

Jungkook's P.O.V:

Once I closed the door behind Taehyung, slid down to the floor and hugged my knees while letting my tears flow. I thought he was the one. We were like salt and pepper to my opinion. I just wished Taehyung told me more. More about himself and what was happening inside of him.

I heard some noises in front of me and look up. I saw Yeontan standing there whining a bit. I felt bad for the poor pup. I was hurrying and stressing Taehyung out so much that he had forgotten about Yeontan. I hugged the puppy.

"It's okay, Tannie. I'll take care of you until you meet TaeTae again." I mumble while patting his fur. Yeontan licked my face as if he wanted to cheer me up. I smiled, but cried again. Yeontan reminded me of Taehyung. Like father, like son, they say...

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