{XXVIII} • Mission

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Still Jungkook's P.O.V:

I watched Taehyung eating sushi. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Meh." He answered. "Do you still have a headache?" I asked. Taehyung nodded slightly and dipped his sushi in the soya sauce.

I smiled widely at his cuteness. He looked up. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, I'm just appreciating you." I say. Taehyung smiled. "I appreciate you too, Kook." He said. I smiled again. "What did you eat for breakfast?" I asked.

"I wasn't hungry at all." Taehyung said. I looked up. "You didn't eat?"
"That's really bad for you. You have to eat in the morning, Tae."
"I know, I know." Taehyung said.

Taehyung went upstairs after dinner, while I stayed downstairs for a little bit longer. I eventually ended up going upstairs and joining Taehyung in bed. I swung my arms around him and cuddled him close to me. He was still wearing my hoodie. I smiled. I liked the idea of him wearing my stuff. I kiss the back of his head softly and close my eyes.

Taehyung's P.O.V:

I woke up. I was hot and sweaty to the point my bangs sticked to my forehead. I silently got out of Jungkook's arms and made my way to the bathroom. I was feeling much better. It was like I had sweat my sickness away. My stomach ache was gone and my headache as well. Although, I was still a bit lightheaded.

I open the tap and splash some water in my face. It was cooling and I enjoyed it very much. I at once felt a hand on my shoulder. I startled and almost wanted to scream, but I quickly realised it was just Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" He asked sleepily. His morning voice was like music to my ears. "I was just feeling hot." I answer. Jungkook put his hand on my forehead. "Your fever is gone, how are you feeling?" He asked. "So much better. My head and stomach don't hurt anymore. Just a bit lightheaded." I say. Jungkook smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." He said.

I smiled. "Because now I can kiss you." Jungkook added and kissed me passionately. I smiled in the kiss. I, eventually, pulled away from the kiss. "Can I stay at home today?" I ask. "But, you're better." Jungkook said. "I just don't want to go." I say.

"It's okay. Stay here at home, so we definitely know you're getting better." He said. I smiled. "Thanks, Kook." Jungkook kissed my head before starting to change.

"I need to go to work again. It's pretty important." He said. "Okay." I replied. I sat down on the bed and watched Jungkook change. I liked the way he formally dressed for work. He had a nice style.

I went downstairs. "Should I make breakfast?" I ask. "No, let's go to Dunkin' Donuts." Jungkook said. "In my pyjama's?" I ask while smirking. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to." I smiled widely. "Let's go, Tannie!" I say and take Yeontan in my arms. We get into the car and Jungkook drive to Dunkin' Donuts.

"I'll bring you home and I'll go to work, I don't have a lot of time. Okay?" Jungkook said. I nodded. "What can I order?" I ask while looking at the screen. "Anything you'd like." I get as an answer. I smile widely. "I'll take the chocolate Oreo explosion and a frozen caramel macchiato." I say.

Jungkook had taken a cruncy donut filled with Nutella and a iced coffee for himself. I moaned at the delicious taste. "Jeez, how do they make donuts this good?!" I ask. Jungkook smirked. "Magic." He whispered. I chuckled.

We ate our donuts and drank our drinks in the parking lot. After that, Jungkook drove me and Yeontan home. "I'll see you later. Bye." I said and got out of the car with Yeontan.

Jungkook's P.O.V:

I took Yoongi and Namjoon with me to the police station. We got inside and I wanted to walk straight to mr. Lee's office, but an offices behind the desk stopped us. "Who are you?" He asked. "We are here for mr. Lee?" I say.

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