{XXI} • 31st of December

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(I have really long chapters coming up! This one's one of my favourites. I thought about doing a Q&A.... so send in some questions for any of the characters (or me) and I'll answer your question in a Q&A chapter! Enjoy!)

I wake up due to the sun shining brightly onto my face. I turn my head and see Jungkook still sleeping peacefully. I got up and rubbed my eyes while yawning. I stood up but felt immense pain in a certain area. I groaned softly from surprise and pain.

"Is everything okay?" I heard Jungkook ask in his morning voice. I turned around and saw him lying there with messy hair and the most adorable morning pout I had ever seen. "I'm fine, although my butt hurts." I say. Jungkook grinned while rubbing his eyes. "You're sore?" He asked. I nodded. "I guess I did a good job yesterday." Jungkook murmured. "Pff!" I say while smirking.

Okay, to be honest, yesterday was the best experience I've ever had. And Jungkook was right. No he was more than right! He did an amazing job!

Jungkook stood up. We both put on some clothes and then walked downstairs. "Are you hungry?" Jungkook asked. "A little." I say while greeting Yeontan. "We should let out Yeontan first." I say. Jungkook agreed. We put on our jackets and slippers with socks and went on a walk. Yes, for those asking, we were still in pyjama's. But who cares?!

"What about tonight?" I ask. "Do you want to have people over? Or do you prefer having a party with me." Jungkook asked. "We could invite the team over." I propose. "Yeah. So what about snacks, as you know the cookies and muffins are burned and thrown away and the stores are closed due to new year's eve." Jungkook said. "Easy, we invite the team over and tell them the key to enter are some snacks."
"You are brilliant!"
"I know!" I brag. Jungkook playfully hit me. I laughed.

I felt more connected to Jungkook now that we've done the dirty. I felt even more comfortable around him, if that's possible. I smiled at the thought of yesterday.
We returned home after a good 25 minutes.

"What are you smiling about?" Jungkook asked curiously while taking off his jacket. "Just the thought of yesterday makes me smile." I say as I follow Jungkook and Yeontan into the house. Jungkook chuckled. "Don't make it cringy for us both now!" Jungkook chuckled. I gave Yeontan some food while I heard Jungkook watching the news. At once a question popped up into my head. I sat down next to Jungkook.

"Was yesterday your first time?" I ask. Jungkook gave me a gaze. "Why are you asking?" He asked. He looked shocked or something. I shrugged my shoulders. "You were so experienced yesterday." I say. Jungkook sighed and turned the tv off. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." I quickly say by the sight of Jungkook's frown. "I'll tell you another time." He said. I nodded. "Sure." I response.

"I'll go make some breakfast." I say while standing up. I winced at the feeling of the pain, but it was just for a second. "Should I help you?" Jungkook asked. "No, I'm fine!" I say.

"Breakfast is ready!" I yell across the room. "I'm fifteen meters away from you! You don't have to yell!" Jungkook yelled back. I smirked while putting the bowls of milk onto the dining table. Jungkook sat down and looked at the bowl. I smiled while putting the cereal on the table. "Next time, I'll cook." Jungkook said. I chuckled at his comment. We silently ate the cereal.

"I texted the team. They will arrive at 22:30." Jungkook said. "What's the plan until then?" I ask. Jungkook smiled. I looked up. "What?" I ask. "I have one last birthday gift for you." Jungkook smirked. I smiled. "You don't have to give me so much presents. It's not a big deal, you know? And when is your birthday?" I ask. "It's on the first of September." Jungkook said while taking another bite of cereal. I almost chocked on my breakfast. "Your birthday was of the first of September and I didn't even knew?!" I ask.

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