{XXV} • Stalking

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(Oeff this is a long chapter! GUYS! This book has more than 1.7k reads!!! I'm so happy!!! I love y'all!! You nice, keep going! ;) hahaha lol )

"There's the last student, Kim Taehyung, right?" The drama teacher asked. I nodded slowly and made my way to a seat. Sungho followed my every action and I tried to ignore him.

"We'll first start with some improvisation, but before we do, I'll gladly announce that we're going to have a theatre night at the end of this school year were we will perform a play. The scripts aren't written yet, but it's sure that we're doing it." The drama teacher said. Everyone nodded.

The first class was basically introductions, improvisation and a get-to-know-each-other. Sungho, gladly didn't do anything. The last bell rang and I quickly made my way out of the classroom. I quickly went to detention where Jimin already waited.

"Hey Jimin!" I say. Jimin smiled at me. Sungho and Jonghyun joined not long after. The janitor divided us in the same teams as two days ago. I sighed. Jonghyun and I were doomed together. While Jimin and Sungho went to clean the cafeteria, Jonghyun and I had to write detention.

'I may not fight with other students' one hundred times. We sat down in an empty classroom and started writing. As soon as the janitor left Jonghyun turned to face me. "I expect some very good information about Hangseon, since you had such an attitude yesterday." He said. I didn't even look at him and continued writing.

Jonghyun stood up, walked up to me and threw my pencil case onto the floor. "Oops." He said. I clenched my jaw. "Speak up!" He added. "Why do you want me to do this? I don't have a lot of time." I say.

"Make time then! I'll give you one more chance. I want some information at the end of this week." Jonghyun said. "But why me?"

"Because bullying you is way too much fun."

Jonghyun was crazy. I looked up into his eyes.

"And you're a good kisser." He added.

I looked away from him and start picking up the pencils. He still remembers that day?! When I rose and put the pencil case onto my table, I saw that Jonghyun was writing again.

"Where do I find out things such as information about someone?" I ask. Jonghyun smirked. "You're a smart boy, I'm sure you'll figure something out. If you don't do as I say, I'll make you regret it." He said. I quickly wrote my hundredth line and quickly made my way out of this classroom.

I gave the paper to the janitor and went to the exit. I called Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook, I'm done with school. Where are you parked?" I asked.
"I'm busy, Tae, sorry. I'll send Jin to pick you up." I got as response. "Okay." I say.
"I probably won't be home until dinner, so I'll give you some money." Jungkook said. "Okay. I'll see you soon then." I say. "See you soon." Jungkook said and hung up.

I waited outside. It did not take long for Jin to come. I quickly got in. "Hey, Taehyung." He said. I smiled. "Hey Jin." I said back. "Jungkook's in a meeting." He stated while driving. I nodded. "How's he going to give me the money then?" I ask. "We're about to see."


I got out of the elevator and followed Jin into a meeting room. The team was there. Jungkook was at the head of the table and saw me. "Excuse me for a moment." He said while standing up. Jungkook took my arm. We walked to his office. He took his wallet out of a drawer. "Here. Buy whatever you'd like to eat." Jungkook said. I smiled. "Thanks." I say.

We walked back to the room. Jungkook kissed my lips. I broke away. "You should go back to your meeting." I say. Jungkook nodded. "I love you, be safe." He said. I smiled. "I love you too, don't worry." I said. Jungkook turned his head and so did I.

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