{XXXIII} • Funeral

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I didn't tell Jungkook. I didn't want to. I didn't feel like it.

(The next day.)

"I don't think I'll be able to work today, or this week and a half..." I say. Jungkook looked up from his breakfast. "Why?" He asked worriedly. "I'm getting tutored." I say.
"Until how late?"
"Until 16:00."

"Ditching after the first day huh? Don't you like it?" Jungkook smirked. "Aish! Don't be like this! I like it!" I say. "I know, I was just kidding." Jungkook said. We went upstairs to change and brush our teeth. We were done pretty quickly.


I sighed and leaned my back against my locker. Jimin was standing next to me. "Tae, if I could, I would go with you. Really. But I need to go to work." Jimin said. I nodded. "I understand Jimin. Go. Don't let Jungkook wait." I say. Jimin hugged me. "Be careful of that guy. Do you have my pocket knife I gave you?" He asked. I smirked. "Jimin! Are you really asking me that?! Everyone knows I'm involved with mafia, if I carry a pocket knife around, they will have me arrested for sure!" I say. Jimin laughed. "I was just kidding."

Jimin left the school while I walked to the classroom that I was supposed to be in. Sungho was already here. He smirked as he saw me enter the classroom. I walked over and sat down with a sigh. I dropped my bag next to the table and took the needed books out. I felt Sungho's gaze following my every move. "Let's get this over with!" I say between gritted teeth.

He started explaining the theory while I made notes on that. He ended this paragraph pretty quickly and said: "I hope you wrote that down since I'm not going to repeat myself." I looked at him. "What if I don't understand or forget?" I ask. "Just don't forget." He replied. "Like anyone has control over that." I scoffed.

"You know, you're right. You need something to motivate you not to forget." Sungho said while turning a bit to face me. I lifted my head to look at him. Sungho's hand was on my shoulder and pulled me closer. He looked me dead in the eye. "Let's just say..." He started. I felt his hand sliding over my thigh towards a certain area. "If you don't answer a question correctly, some bad things will happen." I wanted to jump up, but his hand on my shoulder prevented me from doing that. Only the sound of a sliding chair was audible. "Don't." I heard myself squeal.

Sungho smirked and released me. "I guess we're on the same page now, aren't we?" He said. I wanted to run away, but couldn't. I really needed these lessons and no one was here to pick me up yet. I scooted over to the opposite side of Sungho. "I guess this was your plan?" I ask. Sungho looked up with a bit of confusion in his eyes. "Making me drink that drug so that I'd be sick and miss a lot of school. This was all planned. You're taking advantage of me." I say.

"Look at you mafia boss, exactly." Sungho said while leaning back in his chair. He sighed. I saw his eyes scanning my face. "Such a pity that you're already Jungkook's. You're really flawless." He said. I felt myself becoming red.

"Let's summarise the paragraph that we had at school before the trip. Socialists and Anarchists in Russia." Sungho said. I gulped. It was a little while ago.

"Tell me, Anarchism, what's the target audience?"

"Poorer citizens and farmers."

"Correct, their ideal society?"

I bit my lip.

"A society where..." I start. I thought deeply. Michael Bakunin was the here important person. He wasn't part of one of the rulers so he had to be one of the people that encouraged the farmers and citizens to protest.

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