{II} • A New Home

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I got pushed towards a big house. It had a gate in front and a big yard. The house itself was white and looked luxurious. Like a villa. 

The man that was holding my hands on my back pushed me forward. It hurted me so much that I gave a squeal. Jungkook, who was walking in front of me, turned around. "Release him, it's unnecessary to hold him like that." He ordered.

The man released my hands and nodded. We walked into the house. It was big. Maybe two timer bigger than my house. The first thing I saw were one broad stair that blend into two, which lead each to another side. Almost everything was white, grey or black. The living room was on the left. And the dining room is on the right, just as the kitchen.

"Dismissed." Jungkook said. The man that stood behind me nodded. "Yes, sir." He said, while walking away. "Come on, let me show you your room." Jungkook said while walking up the stairs. I had no other choice then to follow him. He led me to a white oak door. 

"This is your room from now on. Mine is there, next to yours." He said while pointing at another room. I opened the door that was pointed to me as my room. It was a normal room. It had a walk-in closet and a bathroom. "So, why am I here?" I ask while turning around to face Jungkook.

Jungkook was standing against the wall with his arms crossed. "Your father owes me a lot of money and I needed something to make sure he will pay his debt off, that something is you." While hearing that, something snapped inside off me. 

"And why do you think you have the rights to take me away from my father? I am not an object! You cannot keep me here forever!" I yelled at Jungkook. Stupid Jungkook, with his stupidly beautiful house with his cool car and his looks.

Jungkook got away from the wall and walked up to me. I gulped nervously, but stood still in my spot. The least thing I wanted now, was him to think that he could control me.

Jungkook stoped just a few inches in front of me. "Don't talk to me with that attitude." He said terrifyingly calm. My eyes went from his eyes to my feet. I heard Jungkook walking away. I finally released the breath, that I had been holding. I let myself fall on my bed. "Not even a few seconds in this house and I already hate it! I better get out of here soon!" I mumbled quietly. 

I close my eyes and rethink of what happened today. I felt lonely, left-behind and captured. Even if dad and I didn't had much money, we always had things sorted out. Things were good at home and I didn't wanted those things to change. I stood up and walked to the window. Too high. I took my phone out of my pocket. I dial 112. (Korean 911 for the police.) No one answered. Weird...

"Taehyung! Dinner's ready!" I hear. I sigh. I didn't want to face Jungkook. I walked downstairs. I found my way to the dining room and sat down in opposite of Jungkook. He had made instant noodles. Easy but delicious. Despite the delicious smell and sight of it I didn't want to eat. 

After a few minutes of not eating, Jungkook looked up. "You should eat." He said. "What if I don't want to?" I said. "The fact that I've taken you, does not mean you're going to starve under my watch! Eat!"

"No!" I say while throwing the noodles away. The bowl shattered on the floor. Noodles flew through the air and landed on top of Jungkook's hair and shoulders. If I didn't feel the belly ache I was feeling right now, I would probably think I had jumped in a K-drama of some sort.

 Before Jungkook could even blink, I ran away. I heard him sigh, but didn't pay attention to it. I ran into my room and slammed the door shut.


I heard the shower turn on in the room next to mine, which meant that Jungkook was now showering. I quietly open my bedroom door and slipped out. While sneaking through the house, I looked around for unwanted people. While I was looking around, I tripped and fell on the ground. 

I hold my breath and hear the shower going off. I quickly hid behind a corner. I heard the hairdryer turning on. I released the breath that I had been holding and continued walking. When I entered the hallway I could already feel the freedom! Just a few more steps! 

An arm hit the wall next to my head at that exact moment. I look at my left and see Jungkook there. His hair was fluffy and moist and he was wearing a bathing robe. I jump against the wall, frightened. It was silent for a good five seconds, but then Jungkook grabbed my wrist and took me to the dining room. He pushed me onto a chair and hovered above me.

"This is crossing the line." He hissed. He sat down in front of me. "Get this straight, I do not want you here. I want my money back. I wasn't planning on having an adolescent running around in my house. We need a few rules." He said. I looked down from anger. "Look at me, Taehyung." 

I looked up into Jungkook's eyes once again. His eyes showed anger and irritation and mine reflected the same gaze back. "There will be no sneaking out if this house! You will only leave this house with me, the guards or when I give you permission. I want to gain respect from you since I am older! You will obey my demands and do as I say. Now give me your phone." 

I gave him a cold gaze. "No." I said. Jungkook looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Already breaking rules?" I quickly shake my head and give him my phone that was in my pocket. He took it and ticked on it. After a few minutes, he gave my phone back.

"I put Jin's, your driver and my number into your phone. Don't try to call 112 because it won't work. Whenever you are in trouble you can me or Jin, got it?" He asked. I nodded. "Good. And your location always needs to be on. I need to know where you are 24/7 since there are other mafia bosses." Jungkook said while standing up. 

He walked into the kitchen and returned with some instant noodles. "I know you're hungry. Eat or don't. If you don't want to, just put it in the fridge. When you're done, you're going to clean the kitchen. I want it spick and span! Any questions?" He asked. 

"Yes. You say I cannot leave this house, how about school?" I ask in reply. Jungkook thought for a moment. "Jin or I will give you a ride to school." I nod. "Oh and every time you break a rule, I will increase your fathers debt with 13.000 won (about equal to 10.000 Euro's), starting from now on." Jungkook said while walking away.

I gazed at him with open mouth. He's got to be kidding me! This b*tch! I took the chopsticks and started eating the damn noodles. When I'm done, I put the bowl into the dishwasher and started cleaning the kitchen. It took a long time to clean, since the kitchen was so big. 

After did half of the kitchen, I took my phone and looked at the time: 01:38. I sighed. Since when did time fly by so fast? My eyelids couldn't stay open. I just walked to the couch and lied down. Just letting my eyelids rest for a moment or two, but in those two moments Taehyung had dozed off to a dreamless sleep. 

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