{XXX} • Mission 3.0

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(Guyss!!!! Do you like the story from Jungkook's P.O.V??? Do you want me to write more in his P.O.V? Let me know! Enjoy!)

At that same second,

we heard the door open...

Jungkook and I shared a shocked gaze before he took my wrist and pulled me into the closet.

There almost wasn't room for both of us, so I was being pulled against Jungkook's chest. He closed the door and put his finger on my lips as a sign to be quiet. I nodded silently and closely listened to every step the man made. I was close to Jungkook and my eyes fell on his earlobe. It had bite marks in it. I silently leaned forward and kissed it softly.

I broke away and listened. The guy was downstairs. "We need to leave." I whisper. "We don't have the documents yet. I need them back." Jungkook whispered back.

"We have a whole week, we can get them back!"

"We don't have the keys, he won't leave the window open again!"

"If we don't leave now, we'll get arrested!"

Jungkook wanted to say something else, but I had already opened the door of the closet. I felt Jungkook's grip on my wrist. I turned around and gave him a certain gaze to which he let go of me.

I walked closer to the upper hallway where I listened and tried to locate the guy. He was downstairs somewhere in the kitchen. I heard plates and pans. I pull Jungkook closer to myself. "Try to find an easy way down from this floor." I whisper in his ear.

Jungkook nodded and we spread ways. I silently looked around and went to the windows. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I startle and turn around. I released the breath I was holding at the sight of Jungkook. "Jungkook! You're scaring the living hell out of me!" I whisper.

"I found an exit! Come on." He said and pulled me with him. We quickly, but silently, went to the room Jungkook had been looking in. "Be ready to act surprised." Jungkook whispered.

He opened the window, which made an incredible loud noise. "Who's there?" I hear from downstairs. Jungkook had already gotten out of the room and was holding himself up using a water pipe.

I heard footsteps on the stairs. I started panicking and I got out of the room as well, following Jungkook's example. Jungkook was already on the ground when I jumped the last two meters down. As soon as I hit the ground, Jungkook walked towards me and pressed me against the wall, followed by a kiss.

We heard someone at the window. Jungkook and I broke apart and looked surprisingly up. The guy didn't seem to suspect us. Jungkook took my arm and started walking.

"Where's Yoongi?" I ask. "Do you have your phone? We should call him." Jungkook said. I felt in my pockets and took my phone out. I dialed Yoongi's number and called him. "He's not answering." I say while calling him again.

After another four times, Yoongi had picked up. "Yoongi, where are you?" I ask. "I followed the car, he's at a bar." Yoongi said. I looked at Jungkook. "He's not. He just came home. We were almost caught." I say.

"But his car is right in front of me." Yoongi said. "Unless... he changed cars." I mumble. It was silent at the other side of the phone. "Where are you? I'm picking you up." Yoongi said. "I'll send you our location." I said and hung up. I texted Yoongi our live location.

Thunder broke out and rain started pouring. Jungkook sighed. "It looks like we'll have to shower together." I smirk. Jungkook smirked back. My hair was getting wetter and wetter and my clothes slowly started sticking to my body.

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