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(I have some major updates coming up! I can't wait for you guys to read it!!! Enjoy! <3 )

"Well, who do we have here?" Sungho asked while crossing his arms. I clenched my jaw. "We were just leaving." Jimin said. He took my wrist and led me out of the room.

"You're not going anywhere." Sungho said. The staff members we saw earlier stood in a line in front of us on the hallway.

I gulped. We were doomed. "You're staying here until Hangseon comes here." Sungho smirked. Jimin took my wrist again. "My ass we are." He said and pulled me with him. We ran into a hallway that the line of staffs didn't hide.

"Grab them! Make sure that they don't leave!" I heard Sungho yell. Jimin and I ran into the elevator. "Close the door, quick, quick, quick, quick!" I yell as Jimin furiously slammed the button a thousand times in a row.

I saw the mass of staffs running towards us and the doors slowly closing. The doors closed fully when the people were only a few feet away from us. Jimin and I let out the breath we had been holding and relaxed for a second.

Once the elevator reached the ground floor, my heart started pounding like crazy again. "Act like we own the place." Jimin said. He went through his hair and raised his chin while walking out of the elevator. I quickly follow his lead and we safely made our way out of the building.

"Hey! Stop there!" We heard. "Looks like some people took the stairs. Run!" Jimin said. We started running. We ran the whole two streets towards the car with the people following us.

I pulled the car door open by so much force that the door squeaked. I jumped into the seat, close the door and lock it manually. Jimin sat down too and started the engine as soon as possible. "Lock the car!" I shout.

Jimin was just in time, when the crowd arrived. They shouted and knocked on the windows. "Go, go, go, go, go!" I yell. Jimin gave gas and drove away.

I go through my hair while sighing. "Well that was a visit for nothing." I say. "What do you mean?" Jimin asked. "Sungho caught us. We couldn't take anything." I say. I sat up straight and look at Jimin's smirking face.

"Did we manage to take something?" I ask. Jimin raised his hand and gave me the USB-stick. "Jimin! You did it!" I exclaim. 

"So, what's happening with you and Yoongi. Have you heard from him?" I ask after some minutes. Jimin shook his head. "No, I don't think I will ever get a reply. I'll just have to accept the fact that he doesn't like me back." Jimin said.

"But, weren't the two of you partners during missions? Like, always got each other's backs?" I ask. "We were and still are, but things are just so... tensed between us, since I confessed." Jimin told me.

"It's going to be fine. Don't worry." I say. Jimin drove straight to the office, where we went straight up to Jungkook's workspace. I didn't even mind knocking. We walked into his workspace.

"Jungkook.." I start, but Jungkook interrupted me.

"Why aren't the two of you in school?!" He shouted. That one sentence was enough to shut both of us up. "Come in and close the door." Jungkook said to Jimin. Jimin did as he was told.

"Mrs. Yung called, asking if you guys were okay. I guess the information desk at your school doesn't immediately tell the teachers a student's sick." Jungkook started.

"How did you even called and announced your absence in my name at all?!" Jungkook asked furiously.

"It's actually quite easy." I mumble. Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed in disappointment that I could smell for a mile from here.

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