{XXII} • Making Dumplings {18+}

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(Yass!!! I just finished this other chapter! It has over 4000 words! The most I have written! Yeah..... enjoy!)

I woke up next to Jungkook. I took a deep breath and stretched out. I carefully got out of bed without waking Jungkook. I took my phone off of my nightstand and quietly take a picture of him sleeping. He was too adorable. I got downstairs and Yeontan ran up to me with a toy in his mouth. We played for quite a while. "Are you hungry, Tannie?" I said and stood up. I gave Yeontan some food and I went into the kitchen for myself. I looked around for something to eat and opened a drawer. "Cappuccino..." I mumbled at the sight of a package for cappuccino.

I boiled water and put the cappuccino powder into a mug. I stirred the mix and took a small sip. "Mmh, no. Sugar. It needs sugar." I put a spoon of sugar into the coffee. "Is that for me?" I heard at once. Two armes wrapped around my waist and Jungkook leaned his chin on my shoulder. "You scared me." I say while taking a sip of the coffee. "Sorry." Jungkook replied and looked at me taking a sip. "Here you have it." I say with a disgusted face.

Jungkook took a sip and then put the mug onto the kitchen counter. "You should try this one out." Jungkook said while grabbing a package of cacao macchiato. I nodded. "Okay."


I took a sip. "This one's really good!" I say. Jungkook smiled. We drank our coffee with sandwiches as breakfast. "What's the plan for today?" I ask. "I'll probably go to the office to find out about that bank transfer." Jungkook said. "I was planning on bathing Yeontan." I say. Jungkook nodded. "Should I wait for you?" I shook my head. I didn't want to keep Jungkook from his work. "You go, I'll come later." I say. "I can let Jin pick you up?" I shook my head again. "I'll take a taxi, it's okay." I said while standing up and putting my plate into the dishwasher. I took Yeontan in my arms and brought him upstairs.

I put him down into the bathtub and star searching for the perfect temperature of the water. Yeontan didn't like the idea of getting soaked wet as I could see him backing up a bit more and more. I took the shower head and started to wet Yeontan. I closed the water tap and spread the shampoo over his fur. Yeontan was even cuter when he was wet. At once the door opened and Jungkook came in. "I was calling for you." He said. "Oh, I didn't hear you." I say.

"I just wanted to say I'll be going now, I put some money onto the kitchen counter for you. Take a bus, it's safer. I'll see you soon." Jungkook said and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Kay, see ya." I say and continue to spread the shampoo onto Yeontan's fur. I rinsed the shampoo out and stood up. I leaved Yeontan in the bathtub as I searched for a proper towel. I took two and placed on of them on the ground. I used the other one to grab Yeontan out of the tub and put him onto the first towel. I reached out for a treat, because he had been behaving well, but the ran away.

"No, no, no, no!!! Yeontan come back!" I yell. Yeontan didn't listen and started running around the first floor. I ran after him, trying to grab him. "Yeontan, come back!" I yell again. I eventually trapped Yeontan in a corner in our room. He tried running away, but I quickly grabbed him. "I was going to give you a treat!" I say while taking him back to the bathroom. I put him onto the towel again and started hand drying him. After his fur wasn't wet anymore but moist, I took the blowdryer and I started blowdrying him. After fifteen minutes I finally finished. I gave Yeontan a treat and let him leave the bathroom.

I quickly put away all the stuff I used and Changed into a proper outfit. I went downstairs. I took my phone and took the money Jungkook had given me. I walk out of the house and start walking towards the bus station while listening to my favourite playlist.

I hopped onto the bus and payed for a ticket. I arrived nearby Jungkook's office soon enough and I get out. I walk into the building and want to go to the elevator as the lady of the reception spoke up. "Wait, you can't go there! You need to have an appointment." She said. I looked at her. "I am Jungkook's boyfriend." I say. "It doesn't work like that. You have to make an appointment or I'll have to call security."

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