{XXXI} • Mission 4.0

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Jungkook and I were sitting in the car in front of Karls house. I had asked if he could see us, but Jungkook said that the windows were shuttered. We waited for way too long before Karl finally decided to come out of his house.

"There he is!" I say. Jungkook's gaze followed my finger that I was pointing at Karl. Jungkook didn't start the engine. He waited for Karl to leave the street and then turned on the engine and started following him. Karl drove to a bar, where he parked the car and went inside.

"I'm going to look inside the car." Jungkook said. I stopped him by holding his arm. "Wait, how are you going to do that? The alarm will go off!" I say. "It won't, I saw that he didn't lock the car. He probably went inside just to do something really quickly. You need to go inside and distract him until I call you. Don't answer, just when you hear me calling, walk out. Don't walk to the car, walk somewhere where Karl can't see you so you won't get suspected." Jungkook explained.

I nodded and got out of the car. Jungkook patted my twice as a comforting gesture and smiled. I got inside the bar. I looked around for Karl and saw him talking with a man. I breathed in and out.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey man! Long time no see! How have you been?" I ask. Karl had a confused gaze on his face. "Ehm.... Do I know you?" He asked hesitantly. I tried to look offended. "After all these years! How could you forget!? Do you know who I am?! Shame on you!" I said. Karl quickly shook his head and smiled awkwardly. "I- Of course I remember who you are! I was joking! I've been good! How are you?" He asked. "Yeah, pretty good, you know. I went to the west to America for three years! Had some good business there, you know?"

"Ahh yes! How's your wife?" Karl asked with a smirk. I almost chocked on my own saliva and realised my eyes had widened. I tried to come up with an excuse as quick as possible. "Ehm, she died." I said while nodding sadly. Karl was silent.

"Well, bud. I'm sorry to hear that. Anyways, I'll see you later." Karl said. I panicked. Jungkook hadn't called yet. Karl had turned around and was walking towards the exit. I ran up to him and closed my arms around his upper body.

"What in the world?!" He said. I let him go. "Eh, I- I'm so sorry, I- just... I had a really hard day today." I said. Karl gave me a weird look. "You see, My fish drowned and I'm still grieving over my wife. It's just been a week since she died, you know? And then I heard that my grandma's sister, who had a son, his best friend had overdosed. So that was also pretty emotional. I just... needed a hug." I say. God this is so embarrassing! I was talking about shit that didn't make sense!

"Yeah, that's not my problem. Don't touch me again." Karl said. He turned around and started walking away. At that exact moment, I felt Jungkook calling me. I release the breath I had been holding and answered the phone. "Hey, you just called in time. Karl ditched me, I'm coming after some minutes." I say.

"Okay. See you then." Jungkook said and then hung up. I waited for a few minutes and went outside. Karl was gone and so was his car. I saw Jungkook sitting in his car. I sat down in the passenger seat. "Did you find something?" I ask.

"Yes! I did. I found his ID and the papers of the rented car." Jungkook said while giving me the phone. I looked the photo's he made. Hyunshik. That was Karl's real name. "Are we going back to the hotel?" I ask while giving him his phone back. Jungkook nodded and fastened his seat belt. I did the same while Jungkook started the engine.

Jungkook drove to the hotel and parked the car on the parking lot. We got inside and went straight up to Yoongi's room. We knocked on the door. Jinhan opened it. "Yoongi's hacking the rent-a-car website." Jinhan explained. We got into the room. "We have found his ID." Jungkook said. Yoongi looked up and stretched his hand. Jungkook gave him the ID. "Hyunshik..." Yoongi mumbled.

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