{XLVI} • Sweater

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Taehyung's P.O.V:

"Or what? Are you going to shoot the Southern King of Seoul?" Jungkook asked defiantly. The two men seemed to doubt. "I assume you're one of my uncle's men. I don't think you'd be praised when you kill your boss' nephew." Jungkook continued.

I tried to look tough and raised my chin. "You're coming with us." I say. I saw in the corner of my eye that Jungkook turned his head to look at me. I turned to give him a one-second glance, but in that second, the two men had turned around and ran out of the house.

I wanted to follow them, but Jungkook stopped me. "Jungkook, let me go! They could know some things about Hangseon!" I say.

"Things like what, Tae?" I was silent for a moment. "Maybe his next plans on how he's going to throw you off of your 'throne.'" I say. Jungkook scoffed. "Hangseon can bite me. I'm not going to give my position up to such a coward." He said.

"Who knows what those guys might say to Hangseon!" I say. "It doesn't matter, Taehyung. Hangseon already knows. That's the whole point! That's why he's back! Whatever we do, wherever we go or whatever we say, Hangseon already knows about it.

And if we try to plan something on making him leave Seoul or to overthrow him, he's already 5 steps ahead of us!" Jungkook said. "We're going home now."

Jungkook took my hand and pulled me with him. He drove home. "How did you actually made Hangseon leave Seoul for the first time?" I ask. "It was hard. We kind of beat him up." Jungkook sighed.

I gave Jungkook a wide-eyed gaze. "Wait, what?! How!?" I ask in disbelief.

"I was angry. He had beaten me up during my childhood, he was awful to me. I was so blinded by hatred for him that I had beaten him up, up to a point where he was almost covered in his own blood."

"Kook.." I start.

"No, Tae..." He then started before parking the car in front of the house and getting out. I quickly followed him in front of the door.

"I'm not proud of what I did, Taehyung. I may be a mafia boss, but I'm not the one that sells drugs and kills people. Hell, I don't even think I'm a mafia boss, but what I did in the past, is the past of a mafia boss.

Taehyung you need to promise me you won't go down that same path as me. You'll regret it. Promise me." Jungkook said while holding me by my upper arms.

"I promise." I say. Jungkook smiled before pulling me closer and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was passionate and lovely for a few seconds and then broke.

We entered the house, coming home to Jonghyun eating his dinner. I smile. "Hey, Jonghyun. How's it being the new mafia boss." I ask. He looked up and smiled. "Hey. I don't know. It's... already stressful." He admitted.

"It's all gonna be more and more stressful, trust me, but once you get the trick and a have good right hand, it'll be less." Jungkook said while walking up to Yeontan and pulling him up. He cuddled the pup, to which I smiled.

"How's your arm?" Jonghyun asked. "It still hurts when I move, but it's okay. I don't have to take painkillers anymore." I say. Jonghyun nodded while taking his last bite and putting the plate into the dishwasher.

"There's actually been something I wanted to talk about with you guys." He said. Jungkook and I both looked up at him and sat down on the couch.

"Since I'm mafia boss now, I got access to a map with all owned companies and houses of Jaeyong that's mine now. That also includes an apartment here in Seoul." He started. Jungkook and I smiled.

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