{L} • Lies for protection

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Still Jungkook's P.O.V:

I was panting and panicking. How come I was the only one having pain. I was rolling in the grass with my hands covering my ears. I grunted and whimpered. Nothing helped. Hoseok crouched down next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Jungkook, can you hear me?" He asked. I could hear him, but it was like someone had turned the volume down. "Barely." I panted. "Where's Jimin? Go help him!" I quickly add. Although my ears hurt like hell, Jimin was my first priority.

"Don't worry, Yoongi's taking him to the van. I'm here to check up on you." Hoseok said and pulled me up.

"How come I'm the only one in pain?" I groaned. "You're not the only one. Jimin experiences the pain too. It's because I gave everyone earplugs, but when I offered a pair to your stubborn ass, you told me to save Jimin." Hoseok explained.

He led me to the van and made me sit down. "I'll look at you at the office." Hoseok said. I shook my head. "First Jimin." I say as I worriedly looked at the poor boy that was sitting on the backseat, shivering in Yoongi's arms with hands covering his ears.

I felt empathy towards Jimin. He was even closer to the shot. It must hurt more to him than to me. "Thanks guys." Jimin said hoarse. I noticed his hands were cuffed.

The peep slowly became softer. "Namjoon, Jin did you have any luck with that fourth man?" I asked. They shook their heads. "It's okay. You're free to go home." I said once we got to the office.

I dismissed the others. Jin and Namjoon went home, but Yoongi insisted he should come.

We quickly went to Hoseok's office, where Hoseok immediately came to action. Jimin looked tired as he sat down on the operating table. He was still panting and his eyelids were halfway closed.

"I'm going to find the keys of those cuffs, okay?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded tiredly. Yoongi stood up and left the room. Jimin was still shivering like crazy while Hoseok started treating his cuts and wounds.

"Jimin? What happened?" I ask. "I-... I was going to the store. I wanted to buy some chips.. when three men on the streets caught up with me." Jimin started.

Yoongi came into the room again with the keys of the handcuffs. He unlocked the cuffs and took them off of Jimin as Jimin continued.

"I remember them talking about something and kicking me into my stomach. They took me to the park... and... then everything gets blurry. I remember pain. A lot of pain." Jimin said.

"What were they talking about?" I asked. Jimin shook his head. "I can't remember." He said. "You must remember something! A name or maybe a place?" I ask.

"Jungkook.." Yoongi warned. I ignored him. "Jimin, those men could kidnap Taehyung too! They left hints! You can prevent that. Just think!" I say.

"Jungkook, stop it. You're stressing him out." Hoseok said. "You knew?" Jimin asked. I transferred my gaze to Jimin again.

"You knew this was going to happen to me and you didn't bother to tell me?!" Jimin asked again. His voice was hoarse. It looked like he could burst into tears at any moment.

"Jimin, I-" I started. "Stop, Jungkook, you're making things worse." Yoongi said while trying to comfort Jimin by hugging him and petting his back. "Shh, it's okay, we didn't knew they'd come after you, Minnie." Yoongi mumbled to Jimin.

Jimin seemed to calm down a bit. "Your cuts are deep, Jimin. I won't need to stitch them, but you'll have to be careful." Hoseok said. "I understand." Jimin replied. Hoseok started bandaging the bigger cuts and applied cream on his bruises.

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