{XXXIV} • Affectionless

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"Guys, I think we have the main character."

I smiled widely while giving myself a high five in my head. I sat down again. I ignored Sungho's gaze.

The drama teacher summed the remaining roles up and who'd play them. Sungho was assigned to the role that I was supposed to fall in love with. I immediately regretted my audition. What the hell am I supposed to do now?!

We rehearsed the script for this time. The class finally ended and I went to the cafeteria. I met up with Jimin while eating lunch. "Looks like something's bothering you. What's up?" He asked. "Is it that obvious?" I ask. Jimin nodded. I sighed. "I auditioned for the main lead in the part were playing in a week and got the lead." I say.

Jimin inhaled. "Omg Taehyung!!!! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!" He said. "I have to fall in love with Sungho at the end of it."

I laughed at Jimin's sudden change of expression and reaction. "It's okay. I'll survive." I sigh. Jimin nodded. "It's okay, you can always tell her you don't want the role anymore." Jimin said.

I shook my head. "No, I'd be a ditcher. It's already decided. And I really wanted a main role! Up until now, I haven't ever played a main role. Only side roles or as an extra." I say.

"Then we'll have to kidnap Sungho and keep him hidden while you do the performance." Jimjn said simply. I laughed. "Sure." I say.

The day went by pretty quickly and the final bell rang. I said goodbye to Jimin and went to the classroom for the extra tutor classes with Sungho. I sat down and waited for Sungho to come.

He came only a few minutes after me. "You stole my role." He said as soon as he closed the door of the classroom. "I didn't steal anything. The roles weren't given yet and I happend to be better." I say.

Sungho furiously walked over to me. "Just shut up. Now I have to play to fall in love with you!" He said. I push him away. "Wasn't that your plan all along with Jonghyun?" I asked while sighing.

Sungho stepped back as the realisation of my words hit him. He ignored what he and I had just said and took his books out. "Did you do the work I assigned you to?" Sungho asked. I nodded. "Let me see." He said. I gave him my workbook and he started looking at everything I have made.

"You only have one mistake." He pointed at my answer and corrected it. I noticed his handwriting was nice.

He started explaining the new paragraph. I didn't quite follow it and had to interrupt him a lot to ask questions. I wrote everything down.

"Did you write that down?" Sungho asked. I nodded. "Great. Now, you're going to make until assignment five and ask me questions if you need me." I nod and immediately start.

While I was working my ass off, Sungho was watching a YouTube video at a loud volume. I looked up. "Could you lower the volume?" I ask. Sungho gave me a daring gaze. "Did you finish it already?"

"No, I can't because of your loudness." I say. Sungho turned his phone off and crossed his arms. "When were you born Taehyung?" He asked. "30 December 1995." I say. "I'm older." He said. "So?" I ask. "Continue." He ordered and continued watching his video.

I finally finished the five assignments. "I'm done." I say. "You know, it satisfied me when I heard you were sick for those days. I hope you learned your lesson if you don't do as we say." Sungho said. I clenched my jaw. "I'm glad you enjoyed my absence, but now I'm back. And you need to tutor me. Go on." I say.

"Show some respect. I'm older than you." I rolled my eyes. I was done with him. "Why do you hate me so much?! Since day freakin' one! I never did anything to you. Did Jonghyun brainwash you or something?!" I ask. Sungho laughed out loud. "You? My friend? HAHAH! You're funnier than I thought. I don't friend losers like you." He said.

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