{XIV} • Anniversary

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(Happy new year! I hope 2021 will be better than this crap year! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts! I like to read them! Btw: do you guys have any idea's for my story? I'd like to see the ideas from your perspective! Okey, that was it. Bye!)


I sit up and pant. My hair was wet from sweating. Nightmares had been teasing me over the past few nights. I rubbed my eyes while trying to forget the horror. I felt Jungkook's hand on my lower back. "You alright?" He asked sleepily. That voice! God!

I nod. "Fine." I answer while wiping away the sweat. "What are you dreaming about?" Jungkook asked worriedly. "I don't want to talk about it." I say. I didn't want to reveal the fear that has been haunting me overnight. The memories that I so desperately tried to forget. "Well maybe you should talk about it, it could feel relieving." Jungkook proposed. I shook my head. Jungkook sighed and lied down again. "Okay." He said. I got out of bed and took Yeontan into my arms, he started growling. He clearly wanted to sleep. "Where are you going?" Jungkook asked. "I'm going on a walk." I say. "Looks like Yeontan isn't in the mood, besides are going in your pyjamas?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, why not?" I asked. Jungkook got up and took Yeontan out of my hands. He placed the puppy on the sheets, took my hand and pulled me with him. "Where are we going?" I ask. Jungkook doesn't answer and takes me to the car.

Jungkook drives through Seoul, in our pyjamas. "So what is your plan for tomorrow?" I ask. Jungkook drives into the MacDrive. "Two Oreo MacFlurries please." Jungkook said. He drove to the first window and payed. He drove to the next and took the flurries in his hands. He gave them to me as he parked the car in the parking lot. He put on the radio and we at our ice cream.

"So my plan is to just go to the anniversary. He can't do anything. There will be family. That's why he invited me." Jungkook said. "Why can't he do anything? Or why couldn't he could just not invite you?" I asked. Jungkook shook his head. "When he left me, he thought he had left me to die. Think about it. An adult of just a few hours, being left with a mafia I never met. He thought someone in the mafia would kill me and take my place, but the team helped me. That's why I see them as family. They have been there for me when I needed them the most." Jungkook explained but not really. "Well what does that has to do with you going to that party?" I asked. "Think, Taehyung. Look at me. What do you see?" He asked. I cocked an eyebrow. "A black haired mafia boss?" I ask. Jungkook shook his head. "No, a black haired mafia boss that doesn't traffic drugs and still makes more money than him. I am even more successful while lying on my own lazy ass, while Hangseon works his ass off." I grin.

"And that's the reason. He's ashamed. He will never, ever say to anyone he left a kid alone to die and missed an opportunity for fortune, especially not to my family. And if he doesn't invite me, the family will know something's going on." Jungkook said. I nodded. "Exactly." I say. I look up from my ice cream. "Well how do you make that much money?" I asked. "You're looking straight at one of them." I get as an answer from Jungkook who didn't even look up from his ice cream. I take a look. I only see a big advertisement board of Shinhan financial group. I look back at Jungkook in shock.

"You own the largest banking services firm?!" I ask. Jungkook nodded. "How?!" I ask. "You were, just like you said, a few hours old adult! How do you even think of that?! And how much money did that even cost?!" I ask unbelievably. "My parents left me a lot of money. I got it in my hands after Hangseon left me. Namjoon brought me on the idea, as we were discussing what we could do with the money. He helped me a lot with finances as well. I bought Shinhan financial group and a few more businesses." Jungkook explained. I was left shook.

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