{XXIII} • Gum Scraping

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I woke up to an empty bed. I stood up and walked downstairs. I saw Jungkook in the kitchen with his back faced to me. I slowly sneaked up behind him and took his wrist out of nowhere. I saw him startle. "Gosh Tae! Don't be so scary!" He said. I grinned. I looked at the breakfast Jungkook made. "Should I help?" I asked. Jungkook nodded. "Take out Tannie." He said. I put on Yeontan's harness and my own jacket and slippers.

The cold was almost unbearable. I shivered like crazy and so did Yeontan. We made a pretty short walk and returned home where I released Yeontan from his leash. I fed him and went into the kitchen again. Jungkook was putting dumplings, rice and soya sauce onto the table. "We need to go shopping today." He said. "We'll make a list after breakfast." I said while sitting down.

"By the way, tomorrow starts school again." Jungkook said. I almost choked on some rice. "Already?!" Jungkook smirked at my reaction and nodded. "You have to go to detention for a week." Jungkook added. I slammed my chopsticks onto the table. "Well now I want to die." I say. Jungkook burst out in laughter. "Why?" He asked. "Jimin and I need to survive a week long, not only in class with Jonghyun and Sungho, but now we also have detention with them!" I said.

"You shouldn't have fought! What was it even about?" Jungkook asked before sliding another dumpling into his mouth. "About you." I say. "Wait what?"
"Sungho was at that anniversary and I don't know how, but he knew about your uncle hitting you. He told Jonghyun and they were insulting you so, Jimin and I started fighting with them." I said.

"Don't lower yourself on their level, just let them talk. And when they do, raise your chin and walk away with a smirk. It will annoy them even more." Jungkook said. I nodded and ate the last bit of my rice. We put out dishes into the dishwasher and started making a shopping list.

"Will you go upstairs and check if we need deodorant or shampoo? Or something like that?" I ask. Jungkook nodded and went upstairs while I wrote down things that were missing in the kitchen. After a minute or five, Jungkook came downstairs again. "We need shampoo and perfume. I almost ran out of it." He said, before I could write anything else, Jungkook turned around and said: "oh and put lube onto the list."
I smirked. "I'm not writing that down, remember it." I said. Jungkook smirked back.

We got into Jungkook's car and he drove into town. We went to the mall where Jungkook parked his car into the garage. We got out and walked into the main entrance. It was the mall where Jungkook and I went to when I was with him on my first day.

We walked into the supermarket and got a shopping cart. We separated our ways in the snack section. We dumped various chips and candy into the cart. After some time, I was walking towards the cashier, when Jungkook pulled at my arm.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "We still have to buy lube." He said. "Are you serious?! I thought you were kidding back at home!" I say. "No, come on." He said. I walked with him to that type of isle and Jungkook picked a specific one. He threw it into the cart.

"You still forgot something." Jungkook said. I raised my eyebrow. "Really? We've crossed everything on the list." I say a bit confused. "And how about the banana milk?" Jungkook asked. I smirked. "Yeah, yeah! Sorry." I quickly say and turn around to walk to where I thought I saw the banana milk. "Are you in for ice cream?" I ask while putting the banana milk into the cart. "It's January, Tae. Of course I am in for ice cream!" Jungkook said. I smiled as we walked to the cashier. We payed off and walked out with bags full of groceries. We stopped at a Mc Donalds inside of the mall and took two McFlurries.

"Hey, my ice cream smells weird." I say. I scoop a bit of the ice cream onto the spoon and bring it closer to Jungkook. He smelled at it and I brought the spoon up until his nose was all under ice cream. I laughed. "How did you fell for that! It was so obvious!" I say. Jungkook wiped away the ice cream. "You're being mean!" He said with a grin. I laughed. We finished our ice cream and went to the car and put the bags into the trunk.

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