{XII} • The Kiss

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(Omfg I just realised that I had some sort of glitch in my brain and have been writing mrs. Lee! It's supposed to be mrs. Yung! Sorry if you see it somewhere, I'll try to correct it! Vote and comment your thoughts! I love to read your comments! <3 )

Because I love you!

The whole team went silent. I looked into Jungkook's eyes and saw that he meant it. Eyes don't lie. I felt a rush of happiness rush through my body as I didn't knew what to say. At once I hear a loud bang. I startle. Jungkook takes my wrist while yelling: "take cover!" He pulled me with him behind the van. Jungkook gave me the gun. "You were right. Take it. Only use it when you have no other choice. I'll be with you." He said. I switched into serious mode. Dealing with Jungkook was a sorrow for later. I now had to focus on the mission. "Sniper is deactivated." I hear Suga say in the earpiece. "Jin, Suga! You will be going to the Transportation Management Centre. Take them out and secure the traffic cams!" Namjoon was handing out orders and plans for the plan. "J-Hope, Jimin! Go to the power plant and make sure they keep their hands off of the electricity. "JK and Tae! Go to the hookah installation system and get the water pipes back to our hands again." Namjoon ended. "RM, stay with the car. When the traffic cams are back online, try to figure out where the new mafia is staying!" Jungkook said and then took my wrist again and pulled me with him. We began running through the city.

We eventually came across the big building. The hookah installation systems. We walked to the back of the building and we ran up the fire escape. I wanted to open the door, but Jungkook stops me. "The alarm will go off and police and firemen will be here in no time. I let go of the handle. "What's your plan?" I ask. "The roof." I look up and see a metal ladder. Jungkook takes my foot and pushes me up. I get up the ladder and help Jungkook on the roof. We stood up and walked to the air tubes. "You'll go first. Make sure to put your feet on each side of the tube so you won't free fall downwards." I nod and get in the tube. I try to put my feet on the sides of the tube, but it didn't work. I started falling and before I knew I fell on the hard floor of the building. I groan and slowly stand up. Jungkook soon arrived while panting. We crouched through the building. When we came to a corner, I looked past it. I saw someone with a gun standing guard. Two others were sabotaging the systems. I quickly press myself against the wall and whisper what I just saw to Jungkook. "Switch sides with me. Get your gun and be ready to shoot if things don't work out as plan, otherwise don't." He said. I nodded in silence and switched sides. Jungkook knocked on the metal once. I pointed my gun at the corner. The man with the gun walked past the corner and Jungkook grabbed his arm. He slammed the man against the wall and gave him a hit on his temple. I quickly took the gun he was holding while the man fainted. Jungkook put him on the ground and signed me to follow him. We crouched to the other guys that had their backs towards us.

Jungkook and I both took our guns and shot their legs. Both men groaned from pain and collapsed on the floor. We moved them aside and went to the systems. Jungkook contacted Suga with his earpiece. Suga gave us instructions on how to reset the systems and secure them with a hack. When we were done we started walking towards the exit. I thought about Jungkook's confession. I was excited and wanted... I ran up to Jungkook and grabbed his hand. I pulled him behind a corner as a gunshot was heard. 20 or even more people with guns came around the corner. Jungkook took my wrist and started running. "We need to get out!" He said. He ran out of an exit and jumped over the railing of the stairs. "Jungkook-ah!" I yell while looking down. Jungkook had jumped over the railing, but was holding himself on the metal bars. He climbed down. I was shocked by the thought that he might have fell down and hurt himself. I didn't want to admit. I had feelings for Jungkook too, but I buried them away. I heard the men shouting behind me and I came to action. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and met up with Jungkook on the ground. He took out his gun. I desperately tried to contact the others. "Help!" I said while taking my own gun. I heard the other team members shouting for an explanation of what was going on. I didn't answer. We waited for the people to come down. "Jungkook do you think we can handle them?" I ask in fear. "Have faith, Taehyung" He said. At that very moment the people came in a stream out of the exit stairs. Jungkook aimed higher up and shot once, twice maybe even more. A very large pole came loose and fell down on a part of the crowd.

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