{VIII} • Downtown Plans

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Taehyung's P.O.V

I wake up and slowly get out of bed. The house was silent. A sign that Jungkook was still sleeping. I walk downstairs and start looking for breakfast. I find a pancake mix. I read the receipt and start doing what it said.

Add milk to the mix and stir until all lumps have disappeared.

I do so and than put some oil in the pan. I start baking the pancakes. At once I feel two hands on my shoulders. I startle while turning around. Jungkook had stood up. I wanted to shout at him for scaring me, but instead laughed. Jungkook's hair was a mess. He looked tired. "You scared me!" I said when I stopped laughing. "What are you doing?" Jungkook asked. He had a morning voice. "Can't you smell it? I'm making pancakes!" Jungkook's eyes went from me to the pan behind me. His eyes widened and he turned me around. The pancake had turned black and at once flamed up. "Oh sh.." I yell while panicking. I grab the closest thing, which was a kitchen cloth, and started to try to blow out the fire. It didn't work correctly. The cloth caught fire aswell. Jungkook pushed me away from the fire as he took the spatula and lifted the pancake from the pan. He threw it in the sink and so did I with the cloth. Jungkook opened the tap. A loud hissing was heard while a cloud of black was rising up to the ceiling.

Guys, don't lose your focus when cooking! While Jungkook took out the burned stuff, I baked the last pancakes. Just as Jungkook came back, I had put the pancakes on the table. He helped with the toppings and plates. We sat down and started eating. "The pancakes are delicious!" Jungkook complimented while taking another bite. I smile.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask while sitting down on the couch. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Jungkook asked. I think. "We could go downtown?"

"Yeah, sure!"

We got upstairs and started changing. I took my phone and got in the car with Jungkook. He drove downtown and parked the car. "So how did Jimin actually joined the maffia?" I ask. "His parents were good friends with mine, so I guess we grew up with it." Jungkook explained. Jungkook's parents, hmm? "So where are your parents?" I ask. He didn't answer. maybe it was a sensitive topic. I decided not to ask further. "Do you need anything?" Jungkook asked after a good 5 minutes. I think. "Yeah, a caramel macchiato would be very nice!" I say. Jungkook chuckles. We went inside of a cafe. It smelled like a mix of coffee and chocolate. Jungkook ordered a caramel macchiato for me and an americano for himself. We sat down at a table next to the window. "When can I see my dad?" I ask. Jungkook sighed. He didn't look to me. "I don't know if it's a good idea to see your father, Taehyung-ah." he said. I look down. Gosh I just want to see him! I miss him so badly! Jungkook noticed that I had saddened a bit. "I've really thought about it! I really want you to see him too. I know you miss him, but now that Jonghyun and Jaeyong have their eyes focussed on you, wouldn't it be smarter to not lead them to your father?" Jungkook said. I nodded. He was right. Like always.

After we had finished our coffee's we got up and left the small shop. we walked around a bit. We talked a lot. At once I saw Jimin walking around the corner. "Hey Jimin-hyung!" I yelled. Jimin looked around and saw us. He walked to us with a smile on his face. "Taehyung, Jungkook! What are you doing here?" He asked. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, just walking." He said simply. I rolled my eyes. "So Taehyung, My friend's cousin, who has a sister, is throwing a party tomorrow night! Wanna come?" Jimin asked excitedly. I wanted to go so bad! It sounded like a lot of fun. I turned around to face Jungkook and opened my mouth to ask. "No." Jungkook answered before I could even breathe in. Jimin's smile disappeared. "Why not?" I asked. "It's too dangerous! If Jonghyun would to come to that party, what terrible things could he do?" Jungkook said. "That's what I have Jimin-hyung for! My best friend who will protect me! right, hyung?" I ask while turning around. Jimin quickly nodded his head in hope to convince Jungkook. "The answer is still no." Jungkook said. This is so unfair! Why can everybody else have fun except me! I want to have fun! I am nothing more than just a pet with Jungkook! Like a dog! I can't even go outside without him knowing where I am! Stupid Jungkook! Why did he had to take me?!

I got so mad, I stormed off. I walked back to the car. I wanted to go home! No not Jungkook's house! My home! To my dad! I wanted to open the door, but realise that Jungkook had the keys, and the car was locked. My anger worsened. Now I had to wait for Jungkook to come. This is stupid. After 10 minutes or so, Jungkook finally arrived. Jimin wasn't with him. "Cooled down?" Jungkook asked. I gave him a cold look. Jungkook unlocked the car. I quickly got in and buckled my seatbelt. Jungkook sat down behind the wheel and drove home. Once at home, I got to my room. I didn't want to see him. It was just so unfair. Why did this happened to me?!

the next day

Jungkook's P.O.V:

I got up. I hated to see Taehyung angry. I could totally understand him. I did take away his freedom by taking him with me, but it was for his own safety. I wish I could do more for him. I got downstairs and started making breakfast for us. I cooked two eggs and put them on a plate. I decided to not wake Taehyung up. It could make him grumpy. and that would make things even worse. I ate my food, got changed and jumped on the couch. I took my phone and started scrolling on social media. After some time, I looked on the clock on my phone. 13:20. Did Taehyung still sleep? I stood up and walked up the stairs to Taehyung's room. I knocked on the door. "Taehyung, are you still asleep?" I ask. I got no response. I opened the door and got greeted by a loud hissing. Taehyung had closed the curtains, which prevented light to come in. He groaned as he was blinded by the sudden light. "Did I told you to come in?" he asked rudely. He was still in bed, but had his phone in his hands. He was up for a while. I opened the curtains. "Can you stop that?!" Taehyung sighed. I sighed as well. "When will you stop being so grumpy? You know you can't go out or see your father. It is for your and his safety. Do you want your father taken hostage by Jaeyong?" I asked. Taehyung gulped and shook his head. "Great, now get up. I made breakfast."

Taehyung's P.O.V:

I got up and changed. I walked downstairs and ate my breakfast. Jungkook joined me at the dining table. "Bad news. I just got a call. I need to go to the office. It'll probably last 'till late. Will you make it without me?" he asked. "Yeah, why not?" I said. I took the last bite and put my plate away. "Great! I'm leaving. I left some cash on the coffee table. Order what you want, I'll eat at the office." Jungkook said and than left. I took the cash and put it in my pocket. Then I took my phone. "Hey, Jimin-ah! I'm coming to the party! Will you pick me up?"



I heard Jimin honking in his car. I quickly took my phone and closed the door behind me. I got in and greeted Jimin. "Hey! I thought Jungkook-hyung didn't let you come." Jimin said. After I had fastened my seatbelt, I answered: "He didn't, but he had to work 'till late. So who's ready to have some fun?!" Jimin and I laughed as he drove away. Jimin parked in front of a big house. The music was heard a mile from the house. It looked really cool. We got out of the car and entered the house. My eardrums were about to burst as a response on the loud music. I followed Jimin to the table with the alcohol. "What are these?" I asked. "Shots. Have you never drunk before?" Jimin asked. I nodded. He gave me a glass. I drank all the alcohol in once. "Wow, this is strong!" I said while coughing. Jimin smiled while taking a sip himself. We took another shot. I could already feel the alcohol working. I ignored it and turned around to take another, and when I looked back, Jimin was gone. I drank all the alcohol from the glass and started walking. Searching for Jimin. There was this man who was walking with a plate full of drinks. I took a drink and slowly gulped the liquid down. At once I bumped up to someone. "If it isn't Taehyung-ya!" Jonghyun said. I drank the last bit of the glass. I wanted to reply with a good comeback, but only Gibberish was heard. My sight became blurry and I had trouble with talking and thinking straight. Than darkness came.


I slowly opened my eyes, but shut them as pain in my forehead and dizziness hit my body. "You're awake." I heard. I looked up and saw Jungkook sitting in a chair in opposite of me. I was laying on the couch with a blanket over my legs. I groaned. "Everything hurts!" I say. "Did you had fun at the party?" Jungkook asked. He was calm and it scared me. He was acting suspicious. "How did I get here?" I ask while slowly sat down. I looked better at Jungkook and saw that his eyes had dark rings and he looked pale. It was obvious that he didn't had a lot of sleep. He looked really tired.

"By some guy. He gave me his business card. Let me check. Ah, Mr. You're Grounded For Life!"

What the hell happened last night?

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